78| "I'm not going anywhere"

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I sat in the living room the following morning, enveloped in silence. Amara lay on her lap, and I gently moved some strands of hair from Amara's face. We shared a few quiet words together until Luca entered the room.

"Naomi, he's back," Luca announced.

"What do you mean he's back?" I asked, my heart leaping with a mix of hope and disbelief.

"Ace... they were able to get him back," Luca explained, his words stirring a wave of emotion within me.


As we arrived, rushing to the room where Ace was being treated, my heart raced with a mix of emotions. As we entered the front door, the warmth of familiarity washed over me. Amara's steps echoed behind me, her excitement palpable as she awaited her father's return. The moment we stepped into the room, Amara bolted forward, drawn by the sound of Ace's voice.

My heart quickened as I witnessed the scene before me—Ace, awake and surrounded by his family. Relief flooded through me, and I couldn't contain my emotions. Without hesitation, I hurried into the room, tears welling up in my eyes at the sight of Ace.

I threw my arms around him, feeling the bandages wrapped around his torso and arm. His warmth enveloped me, and I held on tightly, overwhelmed with gratitude. Amara joined in, leaping into Ace's arms, her embrace filled with affection.

"Sorry," Amara said, her voice laced with concern as she noticed Ace wince slightly.

"It's okay," Ace reassured her, his tone gentle and loving.

We shared a moment of reunion, cherishing each other's presence after the ordeal we had endured. Ace's family graciously gave us space, taking Amara with them as they left the room to get ice cream.

Alone with Ace, I felt a rush of emotions—gratitude, relief, and a lingering sense of fear. We sat together, allowing the weight of recent events to settle between us.

"I can't believe you're awake," I murmured, my voice wavering with emotion.

Ace smiled softly, his eyes meeting mine with warmth and reassurance. "I'm tough, remember?" he replied, his touch comforting as he reached for my hand.

Tears threatened to spill down my cheeks again as I nestled against Ace, finding solace in his embrace. "You scared me, Ace. I thought... I thought I'd lost you for godsake, " I confessed, my voice trembling.

His expression softened, filled with understanding and love. "I'm here, Naomi. I'm not going anywhere," Ace assured me, his voice a soothing balm to my fears.

"You fucking better not be." I said.
And the conner of his lips lifted onto a smile.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, breaking the quiet, concern evident in my voice.

Ace winced slightly, adjusting himself against the pillows. "Sore, but I'll survive. Just glad to see you," he replied, his gaze unwavering.

I chuckled softly, brushing away a tear. "Don't pull that shit off again," I scolded gently, my worry giving way to a playful moment of relief before I leaned in to kiss him tenderly.

Ace's good arm wrapped around me as I lay down next to him, my head resting on his chest. We talked quietly, reflecting on the harrowing encounter with Xavier and the uncertain road ahead.

"I'm going to kill that man for all I know," Ace muttered, determination in his voice.

"Oh God, with pleasure, do so," I replied, my tone firm.

Looking up at Ace, my chin resting on his chest, I couldn't help but let my emotions show. "I hate you so much for scaring me so badly, you know," I teased lightly, my eyes searching his.

"Really? You? Hate me? Never," Ace teased back, a faint smile playing on his lips despite the seriousness of our conversation.

His teasing brought a smile to my face, a brief respite from the weight of recent events. I nestled closer against him, feeling the rise and fall of his chest with each breath.

"You're impossible," I replied with a playful sigh, my fingers tracing idle patterns on Ace's arm.

Ace's expression softened as he gazed at me, his eyes full of affection. "I'm sorry for putting you through all of that," he said sincerely, his voice tinged with regret.

I reached up to gently stroke Ace's cheek, my touch tender. "You don't have to apologize. I just... I can't lose you, Ace. Shut, tou should've seen Amara." I confessed, my voice wavering slightly.

His grip around me tightened slightly, a silent reassurance. "I'm not going anywhere," he whispered, his words a vow.

We lay together in silence for a moment, the room filled with the beeping of medical equipment and the soft murmur of distant voices.

As I rested against Ace's chest, I felt a surge of gratitude for the moments we shared, knowing they were precious and fleeting. I closed my eyes briefly, savoring the warmth of Ace's embrace and the rhythmic beat of his heart.

"I love you, you know," I murmured, my voice filled with sincerity.

Ace's fingers gently traced circles on my back, a comforting gesture. "I love you too, more than words can say," he replied, his voice soft.

The weight of our unspoken fears lingered in the air, overshadowed by our mutual affection and determination to overcome adversity. I felt a surge of courage knowing that Ace was by my side, a source of strength in times of uncertainty.

Our conversation was interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps outside the room. Amara's cheerful voice echoed in the hallway, followed by the familiar chatter of Ace's family.

Ace and I exchanged a knowing glance, our silent communication speaking volumes. Despite the challenges ahead, we drew strength from each other and the love that bound us together.

As Ace's family entered the room, their expressions a mix of relief and concern, I felt a surge of gratitude for their presence. Amara bounded over to Ace, her face brightening at the sight of him.

"Hey Dad, feeling better?" Amara asked, her eyes filled with genuine concern.

Ace smiled warmly at our daughter, his gaze full of affection. "Much better now that my girls here," he replied, his voice laced with warmth.

I watched the exchange between father and daughter with a soft smile, grateful for the family we had created together. Despite the shadows of uncertainty, I knew we would face the future with courage and resilience, guided by the strength of our love.


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