67| "Ti amo, e lo farò per sempre."

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I woke from a peaceful slumber and realized Ace wasn't beside me in bed. A sense of curiosity tugged at me as I heard faint chatter and laughter drifting from downstairs. Intrigued, I quietly made my way out of the bedroom and tiptoed to the top of the stairs, where I had a clear view of the entire downstairs area.

Peering down, I saw Ace and Amara in the living room, engaged in what seemed like a lively conversation. My heart warmed at the sight of them together, sharing a special moment.

"I can't say that," Amara exclaimed, causing Ace to burst into laughter.

"Okay, fine, let's start off easy with a 'hi,'" Ace suggested playfully.

"Ciao," he said.

"Ciao," Amara echoed, her voice filled with determination.

"Perfect. Now say, 'mi chiamo Amara,' which means 'my name is Amara,'" Ace continued, his patience evident.

"Mi chiamo Amara," Amara repeated confidently, as if it were the easiest thing in the world.

"Ahh, see? You're a natural," Ace praised, his eyes shining with pride.

"Okay, what's next?" Amara asks.

"How are you is, "Come stai. "" he said.

"Come stai." She repeats after him.

"Atta girl." He said, causing a smile to appear onto her.

I couldn't help but smile at the heartwarming scene unfolding before me. Ace was teaching Amara Italian, bonding with her in a way that filled me with joy.

As I watched them interact, I felt a surge of gratitude for the man who had not only captured my heart but also embraced my daughter with open arms.

With a contented sigh, I decided to leave them to their lesson and quietly made my way back to bed. As I settled under the covers, a sense of warmth and peace enveloped me. Knowing that Ace and Amara shared such a beautiful connection filled me with a deep sense of happiness.

With a smile lingering on my lips, I closed my eyes, the sound of their laughter echoing in my mind.


I woke to the sight of Ace getting ready, his tuxedo pants, and button-up shirt giving him an effortlessly stylish look.

As he stood before the standing mirror, adjusting his tie, memories of the previous night's heartwarming scene with Amara filled me with a smile. Caught in the moment, our eyes met in the mirror.

"What?" Ace asked, his own smile reflecting my joy.

"Nothing," I replied, unable to contain my happiness as I watched him prepare for the day.

I remained in bed, content to observe Ace's morning routine. He mentioned he had to head out to sort things at one of his warehouses, planting a gentle kiss on my forehead before leaving.

After he departed, I headed to the bathroom to freshen up, brushing my teeth before checking on Amara. I found her still in bed, and I leaned against the door frame, arms crossed.

"Hey," I greeted her warmly.

"Hi," Amara replied, a sleepy smile gracing her features.

"Want to go get something for breakfast?" I asked, knowing it would be a nice start to the day.

"Yeah," Amara agreed eagerly.

Soon, we were out of the house, Amara, in her pajamas, and I still clad in Ace's white shirt and pajama pants. We hopped into one of Ace's cars and set off for breakfast, the excitement of the morning ahead palpable.

During the drive, we listened to music, bopping our heads and singing along to our favorite tunes. The lively atmosphere filled the car with joy as we bonded over shared melodies.

Arriving at Starbucks, I pulled up to the drive-thru and placed our order. With breakfast in hand, we found a nearby parking spot and settled in to enjoy our meal together.

As we sat there, savoring our food and the company, I couldn't help but feel grateful for these simple moments of connection and joy. Amoungst the busyness of life, sharing breakfast with Amara was a cherished reminder of the love and warmth that filled our home.

With each bite and shared laugh, I cherished the bond we shared.


Amara watched as I took a bite of her breakfast sandwich. "I'm glad you're happy, you know."

Smiling, I chewed and then gently caressed Amara's chin with her my index and thumb

"I heard you and Ace last night," I remarked once I finished chewing.

"We know," Amara replied.

"You saw me?"


I said, "Back when we were in high school together, Ace taught me some Italian. I wasn't as fluent as you when I first started."

"He mentioned that," Amara continued. "He said you sounded a bit..."

"In my defense, it was my first time trying," I laughed.

"Yeah, keep making excuses, mom."

"No, really. I kept learning, and Ace gave me more lessons. Now, I'm fluent in Italian," I explained.

"If you say so, let's hear something," Amara challenged.

I confidently responded, "Ti amo, e lo farò per sempre."

(I love you. I will forever and ever)

"And how do I know you're not just saying nonsense?"

Playfully rolling her eyes, I smiled.

"Ask him what I said next time if you remember what I said."

"I will."


As we returned home to prepare for our visit to Ace's family, I took a shower and dressed in a striking red dress paired with red-bottom heels. My hair was straightened, and I opted for a simple, natural makeup look.

Rose was assisting Amara with her preparations while I adorned myself with diamond earrings at the same mirror where Ace had stood earlier that morning

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Rose was assisting Amara with her preparations while I adorned myself with diamond earrings at the same mirror where Ace had stood earlier that morning. Through the reflection, I caught sight of him leaning casually against the closet door frame, arms crossed.

Our eyes met through the mirror, and I couldn't help but ask, "What?"

"Just admiring you," he responded, his gaze lingering on me before playfully biting his bottom lip.

He approached me, his hands sliding down my sides to my waist as he stood behind me. Our eyes locked in the mirror's reflection.

"You look absolutely stunning," he complimented.

"Thank you," I replied, smiling.

"You don't look so bad yourself," I teased, turning to face him and wrapping my arms around his neck while his arms encircled me.

"Is that so?" he inquired.

"Oh yes, definitely," I affirmed before we shared a kiss. As we parted, I smiled at him and gently wiped the matte lipstick from his lips with my thumb, and he returned the gesture.


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