67| "You lied to me"

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The day of the long-awaited meeting arrived, and as we approached the familiar doorstep, my heart fluttered with anticipation.

Ace, ever supportive, reached out and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, filling me with the strength I needed to face this reunion with his family.

Stepping inside, we were greeted with warm smiles and open arms.

His parents enveloped us in tight hugs before leaving us to the rest of his family.

Their eyes sparkled with joy at the sight of their son and the granddaughter they had only heard stories about.

Amara stood beside me, her eyes wide with wonder as she met her Aces family.

They all came to Amara with affectionate hugs and playful teasing, instantly making her feel like one of their own.

Suddenly, Ace's grandmother appeared, exclaiming in delight at the sight of Amara. "Ah, è così bella proprio come sua madre," she remarked.

I bent down to whisper in Amara's ear, "She said you're beautiful."

She brought amra into a hug, and I didn't miss the smile and joy in Amara eyes.

Watching Amara warm up to her new relatives filled me with gratitude, the tension of past years melting away in the warmth of their love and acceptance.

Ace's parents embraced me with tears of joy, welcoming me back into their family fold.

As we sat around the table, sharing stories and laughter, I felt a sense of completeness wash over me.

For the first time in years, I truly felt like I belonged, surrounded by people who loved me and our daughter unconditionally.

As the day turned into night, filled with laughter and shared memories, I knew our journey was far from over. But with Vincent by my side and Amara nestled in my arms, I felt confident that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together as a united family bound by love and forgiveness.


As some of Ace's family and I conversed, the topic of Amara's father came up, and Ace's name was mentioned.

"I'm sure Ace is treating Amara well, like a father should," Ace's aunt, Giovanna, remarked casually, unaware of the bombshell her words would drop.

Amara's ears perked up at the mention of the name, her curiosity piqued as she listened intently to the conversation unfolding around her.

Suddenly, I saw realization dawn on Amara's face as she seemed to piece together the puzzle in her mind. The shock and disbelief were written across her features like a storm brewing beneath calm waters.

Amara's gaze flickered to me, her eyes searching for confirmation in the depths of mine.

I met her gaze with a mixture of apprehension and love, my heart aching at the pain I knew she must be feeling.

"Mom... is it true? Is Ace my father?" Amara whispered, her voice trembling with raw emotion.

"Oh, she didn't know. I'm so sorry, Naomi," Giovanna interjected, her voice sympathetic but unable to soften the blow.

I reached out to take Amara's hand, but she pulled away swiftly, the rejection piercing my heart like a knife. In that moment, I knew I had messed up—badly.

The room fell silent, heavy with unspoken truths and shattered illusions.

"You lied to me? Why would you lie to me, Mom? Not just about his... but everything," Amara choked out, her voice trembling with a mixture of anger and hurt. "How could you keep something like this from me?"

My heart shattered at the pain in her eyes, the weight of my deception crushing her with each accusing word.

"I'm sorry, Amara. I'm so sorry," I whispered, my voice heavy with remorse. I had always dreaded this moment, but I never imagined it would unfold like this.

"I didn't want to lie, but... I didn't know how to tell you the truth. I was scared of what you would think," I admitted, feeling the weight of my secrets weigh heavily on my shoulders.

"You said my dad died before I was born. How? Why? I've been living with Ace this entire time thinking he's my father, and you never told me? And now I'm only figuring it out like this. When were you gonna tell me, Mom?" Amara cried, her voice breaking with the weight of her sorrow.

"Amara..." I started, but the words caught in my throat. I had no answers, only regret.

I watched helplessly as Amara wiped her tears with the back of her hand, turning away from me. She walked down the foyer, disappearing behind the front door, leaving me standing there, my heart in tatters.

As the echoes of her departure reverberated through the empty hallway, my heart was heavy, overcoming with guilt and sorrow.

I had hurt my daughter in ways I never intended, and the pain was unbearable.



I was outside talking with my father and a few other guys when I noticed Amara walking out from the front door. Her eyes were teary, and my heart sank as I watched her disappear behind the house into the backyard.

Without a second thought, I excused myself from the conversation and started walking towards her.

"Hey, hey, hey," I called out gently as I approached her.

Amara didn't respond. She didn't even look at me.

"Look at me, Amara," I urged softly.

She shook her head, refusing to meet my gaze.

Why won't she look at me? What happened in there?

Then I saw Naomi come into view, her voice sounding broken as she called out to Amara. Concern flooded through me as I watched the scene unfold.

Before I could react, Amara dodged past me and continued walking away from her mother.

"Stop walking away, please. Let me explain," Naomi pleaded desperately.



I hurried after Amara, passing Ace, whose gaze was filled with worry.

I'm being pulled back by my arm by Ace, and I meet his gaze.

"Not now, Ace. Please, just let me talk to her," I said, my voice trembling with emotion.

Ace nodded understandingly and walked away.

I approached Amara, who was seated on an 'L'-shaped patio couch.

"Can we talk, please?" I asked, my voice pleading.

Amara remained silent, her tears still flowing.

After a moment of quiet, I realized she wasn't going to speak, so I sat down next to her on the couch and began to explain everything.

I recounted the painful truth, including why Ace wasn't in her life all those years.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Amara looked at me. I could see the hurt and confusion in her eyes.

"I am so, so sorry, Amara," I said, my voice filled with regret.

Tears continued to stream down Amara's cheeks, and then she leaned into my embrace, seeking comfort and solace.

In that moment, as I held my daughter close, I vowed to do whatever it took to mend the broken pieces of our family and rebuild the trust I had shattered.


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