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chapter seven:audition of a lifetime !

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chapter seven:
audition of a lifetime !


THERE WAS A knock on her door, followed by her mother's voice. "Athena?"

Even over the music blasting throughout her room, Athena managed to look away from her mirror, which she had been looking in to apply mascara. Currently, it was Halloween night, and both Athena and Violetta were getting ready for the big party at Gina's house.

As per usual, like they did every Halloween, they were going as a duo costume — this year, it was Kiss and Marry. Ricky was the third part of his costume, which was Kill. Athena, in this situation, was Marry. She had on a white satin slip dress, white Converse, white gloves, a headband with a small veil on it, and a bouquet of flowers. It was a pretty basic costume, but she thought it was creative.

"Yeah?" Athena responded.

Amanda stepped into the room, holding an envelope in her hand. "This is for you."

"What is it?"

She smiled at her daughter, her eyes twinkling. "I think you should just look at it yourself."

Amanda handed her the envelope. Athena took it, but when she looked down at it, she immediately froze. In the top right corner, displayed in blue, were the words Juilliard School of Music. Athena glanced back up at her mother, who had nothing but anticipation flashing across her face.

"What'd you get?" Violetta asked from Athena's bed, where she was busy applying blush to her cheeks.

"A letter," Athena answered. "From Juilliard."

Violetta dropped the makeup brush in her hand, and her head snapped up. "You applied to Juilliard?"

Athena nodded. "I put in an application with an audition video."

"What? And you didn't tell me?"

"I didn't tell anyone, except my mom and dad," Athena insisted. "Come on, Vi, it's a shot in the dark. This letter's just going to tell me that I did great, but they don't need me for an in person audition."

"Or it could tell you that you're amazingly talented and want you for an in person audition," Violetta argued, standing up from the bed. "Come on, open it."

Athena let out a breath, looking up at her mom. "I'm nervous."

"We're right here with you, 'Thena," Amanda told her gently. "Whatever it is, we're proud of you either way."

𝐄𝐃𝐆𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓  ―  r. bowen ⁴  ✓Where stories live. Discover now