45: The Aftermath

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The lights of police cars and an ambulance illuminate her path back to the hotel. It's not a surprise. She knows someone made the call.

And she knows she's receiving one. Her phone vibrates on the seat next to her; Kepler holds it up.

Tiff considers it. She doesn't want to answer. She does anyway. "You've reached Tiff Sheridan. What is it."

Tinny on the other end, Elton breathes a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank goodness. I was worried."

"I figured."

"We were worried. The police are here and they're going to want to question you. We said you weren't here, though."

"I can talk to them. I guess. Could you bring me a shirt?"

"Yeah. Sure. Just be cool and normal when you get here. Things are fucking tense right now. The police don't know why no one can remember anything. We're all feigning the same issue. Aunt Nancy is in a state. You sound... hollow. Are you okay?"

"My heart stopped beating. I don't feel anything. Ergo, I'm fine."

"Oh. Um, okay." He pauses like he isn't sure what to say. "Damn. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. At least I'm not going to lose my shit. I just need a shirt." She parks on the side of the road a little-ways away from the hotel. "I'm going to say he kidnapped me and ran off into the woods. They're not going to find him. There wasn't a body."

"That's... yeah. We'll talk soon. I'm grabbing you one of my shirts, as I can't get into your room without it being weird. They let me go back home. See you soon." He hangs up.

For once in her life, Tiff just sits there. There's no fidgeting. Her mind isn't racing. She isn't reaching for something to do. It takes her a good five minutes to realize the radio has been off since Boris disappeared. She doesn't bother to turn it on. It's easier to do nothing. Being dead is kind of stupid.

After a period of time she isn't entirely aware of, a tap on Tiff's window alerts her to Elton's presence. Through the dark glass, he smiles and holds up a plain red shirt.

She rolls down the window, making no emotive gestures, and takes it from him. "Hey there."

Elton leans in, looking at Tiff in the dim light. "You look... Well, you look awful."

"There's a reason for that." She pulls the shirt down over her head.

"Yes," he says as he nods. "I know. Just... Let's get you talking to the police so we can at least be in the clear. We made it look like a break-in. When they asked if anyone was missing, I told them I wasn't sure, but maybe one guest. They found your room empty, in disarray, and signs of a struggle. We kind of had the same idea as you, actually. The paramedics are going to want to look you over..."

"That's their problem. They get to observe the medical marvel, I guess."

Elton laughs. "I guess so. Now come on. Can you act shaken up?"

"I can't act at all. There's a reason I did light work. Can we just call it shock?"

"Good enough, I suppose." He opens her door. "Let's do this."

She steps out once more into the night air. She thinks about bringing Kepler with her. Honestly, she would rather not explain him right now. She kisses him gently on the head, because she knows he likes that sort of reassurance, and leaves him behind.

Time blurs into streaks of light. Police bombarding her with questions about her assailant and why she would have so much formaldehyde turns into paramedics prodding her until Ellis steps in with some quick-acting magic to fool them into deeming her shaken-up-and-alright. By the time she gets back up to her room, Jo's body is gone, the sun is up, and the four of them have gathered.

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