fun and memories

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One morning, my mother woke me up from sleep. I felt a bit annoyed but refrained from saying anything, remembering the trouble I had caused earlier. After freshening up, I returned home and overheard my mother scolding my younger brother for his mistake. She said, "Trying to teach one person has exhausted half my patience, and I don't have the strength left to make you understand just like him. Change now, there's still time."

Despite the anger simmering within, I remained calm and plugged in my headphones to listen to music. A few moments later, I got ready and headed to college on an empty stomach. I left home at the same time my mom had gone to our neighbor's house. I knew she wouldn't let me step out without eating anything.

Arriving at college with a slightly irritated expression, I realized my math class was at 9:15 AM, but I wasn't sure about the room. I called a classmate who informed me that it would be in room H 13A. Upon reaching there, I found no one. It dawned on me that my haste to reach college had led me to an empty room. Sitting alone, I continued to fiddle with my phone.

Suddenly, a friend calls and asks, "Hey, will there be class today?"

After an educational tour, I had gone to college that day. I replied to him, "How would I know?"

"Oh, alright. Are you coming to college?"

"Yes, I've already reached college! Will you be coming?"

"Nah, man. I just woke up from sleep, and you know it takes me around 2 hours by bus to get there."

I felt a bit irritated – it's frustrating because he always calls to ask about college, but the days he calls, he doesn't actually come to college. Today was one such day. I told him, "Leave it, seriously. If you don't want to come to college, then don't, but don't make excuses like this!"

"Oh, I'm telling the truth!"

"If you had to come to college, you would have woken up much earlier. Anyway, your attendance was only 20% last month. If you continue like this even this month, the university won't let you sit for the final exams. Think about it, you might get backlogs in 4 papers!"

"We only have three subjects, right?"

"But there are 2 papers for the honors course, right?"

"Oh, right. I totally forgot. Okay, I'm hanging up now!"

After ending his call, I resumed using my phone. Suddenly, a girl entered the classroom, and I felt a bit nervous because... seeing girls around tends to make my heart race.

She came up to me and asked, "Will there be class today?"

I responded with a puzzled expression, "Yes, no, maybe, I don't know!"

I didn't look back at her again, instead, I took out a notebook from my bag and pretended to read, keeping up an act. It's worth mentioning that I hadn't seen this girl in class before today. A few moments later, a few more girls entered the classroom, and there I was, the only guy. After a while, I received a call from my classmate Kunal.

As soon as I picked up, he asked, "Hey, has the professor arrived?"


"Alright, then I'm coming."

Hearing his words, I felt a bit relieved. But in the next moment, two girls approached me, ready to ask a question together.

One said, "Won't there be class today?" while the other asked, "Did the professor cancel the class?"

My heart rate increased, and in my fluster, I blurted out, "No, that was a guy from the math class."

Almost immediately, I realized that we were here for the math class too. So, I corrected myself, "He was from our department, actually."

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