new friends!!

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The friendship between the Chemistry department guy and Govardhan began to grow slowly, and by the time of their sessional exams, they had become good friends. However, a new chemistry department guy entered the scene, and there seemed to be some underlying reasons for his interest in becoming friends. He didn't enjoy talking to new people but was quite chatty with those he knew well. After the sessional exams, he confided in Govardhan, saying that he liked a girl. When asked if it was "love at first sight," he replied negatively, mentioning that it was the second girl he felt this way about. Despite his confusing reaction, Govardhan was curious to know if the guy had ever experienced love at first sight. The guy admitted to it but didn't want to delve further into the topic. Govardhan then playfully inquired about the new love interest. However, when he noticed Deepak's presence, he hesitated and realized there might be something more between Deepak and the new guy. Deepak greeted them, causing the new guy to halt his conversation. It turned out that both Deepak and the new guy knew each other for quite some time and were good friends as well. As they exchanged morning greetings, the new guy shared his frustration about a math teacher, which led to a sarcastic conversation about making their situation better. The chemistry guy playfully suggested breaking the math teacher's head, prompting laughter from them both. They joked about the new teacher's behavior and how he interfered with their classes, expressing their desire to see a change in his attitude.

Deepak hurriedly mentioned his need to leave, fearing he might miss class and lose attendance. Govardhan agreed, understanding the importance of attendance. Their conversation shifted to the timing of their Honours class, and Deepak questioned whether Govardhan's class was ongoing. Govardhan replied that their teacher was often a bit late, delaying the start of their class.

Once Deepak left, Govardhan explained to me the reason he hesitated in front of Deepak earlier. The girl he liked was from the same department as the new guy. I sarcastically remarked that there couldn't be any girls in the Math department, to which Govardhan clarified that there indeed were girls in the department. The conversation continued, with Govardhan playfully asking me to guess the girl's name. After providing a hint about rain, I guessed "Rimjhim," which made him smile.

As we chatted, he expressed his intention to leave as the Honours classes were about to start. He explained how the Chemistry department was on the 1st floor, while Physics was on the 2nd floor. Govardhan reached his department, and I found my way to my own.

After class, with a 2-hour gap, we both headed to Hall 2, where our next class would take place. We were the only ones in the hall. I was on my phone, and he revealed that he had liked the girl since high school. He had never shared this with anyone except me and explained his reasons for not doing so earlier.

Govardhan pointed out that the day I mentioned, when he was singing with his terrible voice, was the day he was actually singing a song. This revelation sparked a humorous exchange between us. He revealed that the girl was in his thoughts from as far back as 11th grade, and I jokingly connected it to our shared blood type.

After more conversation, he mentioned that the girl's name was Rimjhim and explained how he got to know her better. She had requested him to stop my singing during a college event, which led to a game where he relayed the message to me using a phone. Through this interaction, he started to understand her better and recognized his growing affection for her.

The unfolding of these events added depth to the bond between Govardhan and the new guy, and their candid conversations highlighted the natural progression of feelings and friendships during their college days.

With a wry grin, I said, "Really? You praised me that day? Oh, brother, thanks to your endorsement, countless girls stopped messaging me on Instagram. Did you know?"

"You chat with girls?"

"Yeah, I used to, but not anymore after your praise."

"I thought you attended classes and didn't have time for girls."

"I still get nervous talking to girls face-to-face. I used to chat with them online, though."

"What's my fault in this, brother?"

"Well, it's your fault if you hadn't praised me that day. I wouldn't have made you record my singing, nor would I have sent girls that clip. You remember the 'You can't come to Mumbai' dialogue? I playfully stuck that to you, but it didn't feel as bad as the reply I got from you..."

"Which reply, brother?"

"The one where a music lover roasted me in just two words. She said she could listen to Dhinchak's songs on loop, but couldn't tolerate even a second of my singing."

"But doesn't Dhinchak sing terribly?"

"That's the point, my brother..."

"Control, brother, control..."

As more students started coming in, Govardhan remarked that it was time for class. He showed me a message from the professor, confirming the class's start.

Leaving class, I returned home in a relaxed manner. In the evening, I messaged him, "Brother, listen, I messaged her today."

I replied, "Well done..."

"But she just liked it and left it..."

"Oh, really?"

"Now, I'm confused about what to say next."

"Do one thing, if you know anyone from her friend circle, message them. Because without knowing if she likes it or not, you can't say anything."

"She doesn't have anyone in her friend circle here."

I shared my own frustration, "Same here, brother, just the opposite. Your situation is A, and ours is A inverse."


"My crush doesn't study here, but her friend circle does. Your girl studies here, but her friend circle doesn't."

"Yeah, brother, now tell me what to do?"

"What should I tell you, brother? If I were that expert, even I would have a girl."

"You were boasting so much in college."

"Come on, dude, we were talking in sarcasm. Don't you understand sarcasm?"

"Oh, come on..."

As we bantered, two people came to our house. I didn't pay them much attention because I knew they were my father's good friends, and I was well aware of what they were going to say.

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