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Registrar Sir arrived and said, "I agree with our chief guest, Mr. Karmakar. Everyone chews tobacco and spits it out in the college... especially in the toilets, that's where the real drama unfolds. I visited there a few days ago. Someone went there to use the toilet and started showcasing their graffiti on the wall. And just a while ago, I was discussing this with VC Sir. Now, if someone chews tobacco and spits, they will be fined 500 rupees and will also be expelled from the college. Oh, by the way, I've noticed that none of you takes your friend's name, even if they've made a mistake. Keeping this in mind, we've decided to install CCTV within 2 days."

Seeing everyone laughing, Registrar couldn't help but suppress a smile.

With a chuckle, he continued, "Considering privacy, we'll install them. Don't worry. Alright, since we're running short on time, if I delay further, it will get dark soon. And if it gets dark, we might have to cancel the program due to lack of visibility."

Saying this, VC, Registrar, and the chief guest left the stage and headed to the Registrar's office. After they left, the HOD of the Chemistry department became quite angry.

Ascending the stage in anger, he said, "I'm really angry... was this your behavior? Couldn't you listen for a few moments? Chief guest was called to honor him, and you guys disrespected him by not listening to his words. I took responsibility for handling the college week for the first time in my life, and you guys showed your irresponsibility even in that... I'm totally upset because of your behavior. Anyway, your behavior doesn't make any sense. Let's start the next program. And yes, since we have a shortage of time, every performer will get only 4 minutes. Give it your best."

The first performers were some girls and boys from the NCC, whose performance on patriotic songs left everyone emotional. Honestly, I felt that this performance was the best as the others' performances were below average. Some couldn't match their steps to the beats, while others lacked the energy in their dance. Finally, a guy appeared on stage, looking incredibly dashing. I thought he would perform well, especially since he was wearing a Pathan costume from SRK's song and seemed quite confident. He started with a Ranbir Kapoor song and then transitioned to the Pathan song. However, he got a bit late during the transition. It wasn't about improving the performance; he walked straight to the person handling the mixing, and they started the song again. Then he danced. His dance was so bad that I can't even describe it. It shattered all my expectations. Anyway, after that, the singing performances began. I found them all okay because the sound quality from the speakers was so bad that I couldn't figure out who was singing in tune and who was hitting the wrong notes. But in the end, a guy climbed the stage. He seemed to be famous in the entire college for his singing, but I had no idea. As soon as he stepped on stage, everyone started chanting his name, "Rohit! Rohit! Rohit!"

The guy climbed onto the stage and said, "Today, I won't be singing with the guitar. I'll be singing with a track. I need all your support for this, please help me in between—track, please."

The person handling the mixing played the wrong track, and the guy got so angry that he started hurling abuses on the microphone. He even went up to the mixing person and cursed them. However, it wasn't the mixer's fault. Who knows what the guy had misunderstood? He hadn't informed the mixer about the track and sent it to someone else. A few minutes later, he calmed down and climbed back on stage to start his performance. Nobody said anything to him because the guy was quite talented. His voice was magnificent, but I didn't even look at the entire performance once, let alone pay attention to what he was doing. I kept using my phone because I didn't really like going to them or watching them perform.

A few moments later, the announcement for food distribution was made. We were instructed to go to Hall 2 for the boys and Hall 1 for the girls. The hall we entered could accommodate 100 people, but around 400 people squeezed in. Everyone started making noise, some were on benches, some on the floor, some were drumming on the benches, while others leaned against the walls. Some were shouting "We want justice," while others shouted "We want biryani." Amidst this chaos, my head started to ache, and I headed back with Ahmad.

As the college students' performances were coming to an end, it was already four o'clock, and on one side, Ahmad was eagerly waiting to see Richa Bhardwaj. In a few moments, the ramp walk was about to begin when an announcement was made for Richa Bhardwaj's arrival.

Ahmad was ecstatic. In just a few moments, Richa Bhardwaj's band started setting up the instruments. After everything was set up, Richa Bhardwaj appeared on stage, and all the boys started making so much noise that even the speaker's sound quality deteriorated. Richa Bhardwaj covered her ears. A minute or two later, the noise subsided.

Richa Bhardwaj said, "Hello, how are you all..."

Students started shouting even louder than before.

After everyone quieted down, Richa Bhardwaj continued, "I can see your enthusiasm... so let's begin today's program."

Richa Bhardwaj sang the first song. It went over our heads since we had never heard the song before and couldn't understand the lyrics.

Ahmad said, "The next one will be in Hindi... the next one will be in Hindi."

But once again, Richa Bhardwaj sang one of her own songs. After singing three to four songs, we weren't enjoying anymore. It was new for us, and though her songs were very popular in Assam, we had never heard them before. Anyway, everyone else was having a great time.

Ahmad said, "Dude, I'm not feeling good. I'm going to leave."

"What did you say? I didn't get it, bro."

He came closer and said to my ear, "Bro, I was saying that I'm leaving."

"Okay... wait, I'm leaving too."

We both went out of the campus.

He said, "Bro, whatever it is, Richa looked hot and sexy."

"Yeah, bro, she did."

"Alright, bye bro. See you in college tomorrow. Are you coming?"

"If there's a class, I'll have to come. My attendance rate is lower than my marks."

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