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Two days before the start of the cultural fest, I went to college, but after reaching there, I found out that there would be no classes because the department seniors and mates needed to prepare for the upcoming competitions in the cultural fest. That day, there were several competitions scheduled as part of the department's cultural week, including a wall magazine competition and a cultural rally competition, both of which were departmental collaborations. As I entered the department, I saw some seniors and only two of our classmates, Ram and Debraj. However, none of our classmates from the 2nd semester were engaged in any work. They were sitting comfortably, busy on their phones, while the rest of the seniors were actively working on various tasks.

A senior approached me and asked, "Hey, are you from the 2nd semester?"


"Do you know how to draw?"

"Yes, I know a bit."

"Could you help that girl over there with her drawing? She's working on it all alone."

"Sure, I can do that."

"Great, take this cartoon and cut the papers to the size needed for those coloristic papers. She needs to report back."

"Whom should I report to?"

"Find a senior to do that."

As there was no senior around, the senior quickly asked Debraj, "Hey, go tell the professor that we need a senior."

He went to the office, but even there, he couldn't find anyone.

The senior told me, "Hey, sit here and don't leave. Our department's reputation is at stake. While other departments have many participants, we have only around 10–12."

"Alright, I'll stay here."

Ram called me over, "Hey, come here."

I went over and sat with him.

He asked, "Have you seen the movie 'Radioactive'?"

"Yeah, I have, but I've heard it's based on Marie Curie."

"Yeah, in this movie, they've depicted how the discovery of radioactive elements was made and the consequences that followed."

"Do you have it downloaded?"

"No, but you can download it."

"How and from where?"

"Wait, I'll send you a link."

He typed out the link for me to start the download.

I asked them, "Hey, guys, why aren't you helping each other?"

They both looked at each other and said, "Neither of us is suitable for any work."

"What? Come on, it's our department, you can surely contribute something."

Debraj added, "Bro, I'm going to be Kepler in the upcoming competition. What more can I do?"


Ram explained, "It means, on the day of the cultural rally, Debraj will become Kepler."

Suddenly, the senior came over and said, "Hey, we found a senior. Go help her."

I went to help and started cutting the papers to the size needed for the cartoon. After finishing that, I went to the senior girl, Purnima, and asked, "Sis, what should I do next?"

"Take this pencil and draw on the smartphone. We need to make it big enough."

"How big should I make it?"

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