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I reached Aunt's house. Upon arriving, I noticed Aunt scolding Jayanta's friends instead of Jayanta. Sam hesitated to enter the house. After explaining to Aunt, I managed to bring Jayanta outside. We later visited Ovi and Shetty's houses, but they didn't come out, and even their parents scolded them from above.

The three of us sat at our usual spot in the evening, discussing our next steps. Sam broke the silence, "Hey Rajat, you haven't told us anything about the story for hours. It's okay, no complaints, but can you at least tell us how much of the film is left?"

"There's only one final scene left... Once that's shot, the film will be complete."

Jayanta chimed in, "Bro, you didn't tell us anything from the beginning, but at least tell us about the final scene. We're short by two people right now; who knows, we might be able to help."

I was lost in thought.

Jayanta asked, "Bro? Rajat?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and responded, "Yeah, bro... What were you saying?"

"Oh, come on, at least tell us about the final scene, man..."

"I can't reveal it... but I can share an inspiration behind it. Would you like to hear?"

A bit frustrated, he said, "Sure, go ahead."

"So listen... this is a story about three friends whose shoot we've completed. Only the climax remains... So our story begins. After the breakup of three friends, a guy—me, actually—finished the last exam of Semester 1 right after my closest bond was broken. I didn't stop for anyone—right near the college gate, I saw that girl whom I had saved from a mischievous friend. Her eyes were moist, but I didn't pause, just kept walking... She ran towards me from another path and asked if it was true that the three of us were no longer together. I replied, asking if she'd left her coaching center to come home for this—college reason. She said she came to meet her old school friend. I inquired if it was Rimjhim, who also studies in our college. She confirmed it. We couldn't talk like before. A few moments later, she looked into my eyes and apologized, blaming herself for our separation. I smiled and said I was glad the three of us were no longer together, and I was relieved my distractions weren't ruining another girl's life. We stood in silence for a while. After some time... I said goodbye and headed home."

Jayanta said, "Bro, it seems this scene won't need both of us to play those mischievous guys. But where will you find that girl?"

"Don't worry about her."

"Hey, you haven't been here for even two weeks... Where will you find the girl?"

"Sam, he came here after arranging things with the girl who saved him from... you know whom?"


He nodded, pointing at his head.

Jayanta stood up and exclaimed, a hint of anger in his voice, "Bro? Are you going crazy? If you take help from her, I'm telling you, we won't be participating in this competition."

I casually responded, "Okay."

The three of us remained silent for a while. Suddenly, I received a call from an unknown number. I answered it and realized it was Kajal. As soon as Jayanta heard her name, he shouted, "Hang up, bro. You're not going to talk to her."

Kajal, hearing Jayanta's words, asked me to give the phone to Jayanta. I tried, but he refused to take it. Kajal suggested putting the call on speaker, so I did.

As Jayanta heard Kajal's voice from the speaker, he covered his ears, but before he could, Kajal said, "Bro, let me just say... Rajat, you mentioned a cameo for a girl, right? Well, she agreed... When's the shoot? Let me know, I'll send her."

Jayanta suddenly burst out, "Hell, hell, hello! Kajal, you were talking about a girl?"
"Why?" Jayanta asked with a hint of affection.

"Come on, spill the beans, buddy."

"Wow, I can't digest so much respect."

"Don't take it that way... Please, tell us."

"Alright, fine... I was talking about Payel."

Sam and I exchanged glances as we witnessed Jayanta and Kajal conversing. Jayanta's face turned red when Payel's name was confirmed.

Kajal continued, "Hello? Bro, Jayanta?"

Jayanta snapped out of his imaginary world and suddenly asked, "Kajal, you're not joking, are you?"

"Oh come on, why would I joke? Alright, let me go, we have to go for the shoot."

After Kajal hung up, teasingly, I said to Jayanta, "Here, there, gone... Why so shy?"

Blushing, he replied, "Just leave it, man."

Sam was looking at Jayanta as if he was an injured lion about to strike for the kill. Jayanta caught his gaze and asked, "What... bro? Why are you so angry?"

Seeing Sam take off his slipper, Jayanta started running. Sam removed his slipper and chased after Jayanta. Seeing their antics, I burst into laughter. With the little bit of shoot remaining, the next week, Sam, Jayanta, and I submitted the film.

After submission, I spotted Kajal's car. My heart whispered to meet Kajal...

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