... Return (SHORT)

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Ryu was standing in the center of a stadium, completely still. In his mind appeared various Bladers.

Ryu: '... This is it.'

Around him were Dashan, Argo, Julian, Damian, Kyoya, Ryuga, Masamune, and Gingka.

Ryu: 'This will be the biggest tournament of my life. This will truly make me the best Blader in the world.'

The Bladers held up their launchers, launching their Bey's at Ryu. He quickly leaped up, before attaching Dracian to his launch.

Ryu: LET IT RIP!!!!

Ryu launched Dracian, as one by one he defeated his opponents, making them all disappear with a single hit.

Ryu: 'Karma. Erica. Azure. And me. We've all worked so hard and overcome so many obstacles to arrive at this point! I refuse to let all our hard work go down the drain after coming so far!'

Soon enough, four more figures appeared, revealing themselves to be the members of team Shadow Strike. Keith launched Cykran at them, as Ryu glowed.

Ryu: 'I've got a point to prove here as well!!'

Ryu swung his hand, with Dracian speeding forward to Cykran, crashing into the Bey, but unable to make it disappear, and seemingly being pushed back.

Ryu: 'Whatever Dr Ziggurat is planning, I need to be strong enough to keep him from misusing a Beys power! And to show that Bladers that were enhanced are nowhere near as strong as Bladers who have put their lives on the line to earn that power!!'

Ryu's eyes went slitted, as Dracian pushed back Cykran.


With a gust of wind, Cykran was blown back, and disappeared. Ryu opened his eyes, seeing that Dracian was in the center of the stadium.

Ryu: You ready Partner?

Dracian: Always

Ryu smirked, before grabbing the Dragon Bey.


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