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Wonhee POV

It was around 5pm when the doorbell rang. I ran to get it. I opened and saw  Kyujin and Jay bickering. I chuckled and let them in and my unnie greeted them. 

"Oh hi Jay and Kyujin! And Jay I see you are wearing cloths from my summer collection." Eunchae unnie said with a smile

"Omg THE Hong Eunchae just said my name." dramatically stated Jay

Unnie started laughing along with me and Kyujin. I lead them to a hallway of guest rooms and told them to choose one to and one person to pair up with. They said they would decide when the rest arrived. 

Within another 30 minutes everyone came. I told them about the rooms. 

"Wait one huy has to sleep on the same bed as a girl!" Shrieked Sunoo

"How about Kyujin and Jay sleep together since they are sibling." Suggested Jungwon

 Here are the list of room mates:

Jay & Kyujin

Wonyoung & Wonhee

Heeseung & Jungwon

Sunghoon & Niki

Sunoo & Jake

Everyone got settled in, while I got some snacks. We went in my room since it was the biggest and decided to watch "It"( "It" is a horror movie btw). We all got seated on the floor with popcorn, chips, and blankets.   

I wasn't that scared, well that was until a couple jump scares occurred. I was clinging on the blanket for dear life. Jungwon must have noticed because be told me I could hug his arm if I was scared. I didn't rebel and now I was holding onto his arm for dear life.

It had been a bit and the movie ended. We all decide to play Truth or Dare without the Dare part. Niki asked Kyujin about her most embarrassing moment. She reviled how once she mistook a stranger as Jay and the rambled to them about her mother, then she met that stranger again because he moved into her neighbourhood. Next Jake asked Wonhee weather she had an exs and of she did how many?

"Well I did have this one amazing boyfriend like 3 years ago but we had to break up." I said

"What was his name!?" Inquired Sunoo

"That was not part of the question!" I argued 

Like this the game went on until everyone felt sleepy. Everyone went to their own rooms while I did my night routine in the bathroom. I came out and saw Wonyoung brushing her hair. She told me she had something to tell me. I hummed as a response and sat on the bed. 

"I like Sunghoon!" She nervously blurted 

"WHAT! Does anyone else know?" I exclaimed.

"Kyujin knows now quit shouting and don't tell anyone else!" She threatened.

I nodded and tried to sleep. It had been an hour of tossing and turning while Wonyoung was asleep.  

I was not getting any  sleep so I went to the balcony and you will not believe who I saw there!

Words: 466

A/N: Sorry I did not update for a while, I was really busy with tests!

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