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Wonhee POV

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked Sunghoon

"Well I don't know how to put it but I like...

Jungwon POV

I don't think the other noticed but I did and I saw both Wonhee and Sunghoon hyung going to the garden. I was a bit upset but it was best to not assume so I also decided to excuse myself and follow them. I know it is bad to do so but I was really curious. 

I got up and went to the garden but when I went there I saw something that broke my heart. I saw Sunghoon hyung confessing to Wonhee and her saying nodding and holding his hands. I conldn't watch any more so I just ran the best I could even though it hurt my foot like crazy. I felt tears clouding my vision while my foot throbbed but right now I just wanted to be alone. I went to a nearby park. I did not care if I was missing classes. I can just go get my bag later.   

Did our kiss not mean anything to her!? Was she just playing with me this entire time? This is why I should not have moved on from Heewon. 

Tears ran down my face. I did not know how I could face Wonhee and Sunghoon hyung ever again! 

Wonhee POV

"Wonyoung" He finnished

"OMG OMG OMG I am so HAPPY" I said jumping

"You NEED to ask her out!" I said holding his shoulders.

"Will she accept?" He asked

"OBVIOUSLY! You aren't just anyone! You are Park Sunghoon!" I said

"Well I don't know how to do it so that is why I called you here. If I called anyone else they would just make fun of me" He said rolling his eyes

"Ok well then you can try on me and then I can help you from there" I said

"Ok I'll start" He said

"Wait! Do I call you Wonhee or Wonyoung?" He asked

"Whatever you want" I said shrugging

"Ok I'll go with Wonhee" He said. 

Sunghoon takes a deep breath trying regain his composer. 

"Wonhee, I really like you and I hope you do to. I just wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend." Sunghoon said trying to be as calm as possible. 

I nodded and held his hands. 

"Great! Now you are ready! Go confess to Wonyoung! RIGHT NOW!" I said with threatening eyes. 

"Ok ok, I'll do it now" He said rushing out. 

Words: 404

A/N: Hi! It feels like its been so long but it hasn't been! Sorry that this chapter is kind of short but it needs to end here or it will be too suspenseful or too long. Now the story is going a LOT faster and i would say it like 50-60% done. I am kind of getting bored with this book but don't worry, I will finish it! Btw, who is your favorite character? 

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