Chapter 5: Boys n' Bombs

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The next day, Greater Good HQ, 8:47pm

Updike was sitting in his office chair, tapping his fingers on his desk in boredom. It has been one of those slow weeks at the facility so far. The usual, employees on their phones, asleep at the computer, or taking care of personal things. Updike was on the hinge of nodding on himself just barely able to stay awake. No developments on any targets, even the new one. Now I think we all know where this is going.

"Mr. Updike sir, he has been spotted walking around the alleys of Western Beatropolis!"

Updike shot up out of his chair and any sense of drowsiness was ripped out of him. He was about to speak but thought of something. Adam was on that side of the city, and if he got involved would he compromise the mission? Gabriel thought about it for a moment before deciding that the reward was too great to pass up despite the risk.

"I want my best agents out there pronto."

"Yes sir!"

And with that, the worker went to get the Neutralization force in order.
Random ass alley, 9:15pm

A tall humanoid bomb was running through the alleys with dread evident in his orange eyes as he bolted through them. His tan pants, black sneakers, and green hoodie were all but drenched by rain and puddle water. He didn't care however, he just needed to get away from those persistent bastards. Luckily, he knew these streets like the back of his hand and he was hoping he could lose them once again.

"You can't run forever Whitmore!"

Damn them! Whitty knew they were right. He knew one of these days he would be caught without any cover to duck behind or anywhere to run. He hated to think about what would be done to him then. All he knew was that it would result in him at the pearly or fiery gates. He picked up the pace as he kept running; he may be caught someday but today wouldn't be it.
Alley next to Adam's House, 9:20pm

Adam walked out the door to his house holding a giant trash bag. His dad had to stay an extra couple weeks away from town due to work complications which meant that Ritz was staying with him for a little while longer, not that he minded. He hasn't had to use his powers lately so he was grateful for that.

As Adam hauls the trash bag over his shoulder into the dumpster, he hears rapid footsteps getting louder and louder. Confused, he approached where it was coming from when.

"Huh, that's weird why do I feel like I'm about to be-"


"hit, ow."

Boyfriend got back up and heard another groan of pain near him. He looked at the source of the noise and saw a familiar bomb get off the ground. Both of their eyes widened as they recognized each other.



Boyfriend knew Whitty for a while since he and Girlfriend had a double date with Whitty and Carol. That didn't get off to a good start since Boyfriend didn't exactly leave a good first impression on Whitty after the whole Ballistic incident. Fortunately, they were willing to make a truce so that Carol and Girlfriend would be happy. It actually worked better then expected as Boyfriend and Whitty grew to be acquaintances; Whitty still wasn't quite over the Ballistic incident even though Boyfriend apologized for it.

"What are you doing here!?"

"What do you mean, 'What am I doing here', this is my house! What are you doing here!?"

Whitty heard the shouts of the agents get closer and started to panic.



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