The addicting feeling

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Sunoo's POV:

It's December again,which means winter is back, the time of year I dread. The time of year when many plants die. The time of year I am so very sensitive to. I was in deep thought, that is until Mr. Choi yelled in my ear "Sunoo. Sunoo. SUNOO!! " I snapped out of my thoughts and looked in front of me to see a worried Mr. Choi.
"Oh sorry Mr. Choi What did you need? " I questioned.

Mr. Choi only answered back in a concerned soft tone. " Sunoo, you zoned out the entire class are you okay? What's the problem? you know you can always tell me." I looked around to see no one in the classroom. Mr. Choi sat down next to me as I started explaining. " sorry yeonjun hyung, it's just you know I am very sensitive to the cold, what feels to you as 50°f feels like 25°f to me. I'm worried I'll pass out randomly again. "
Mr. Choi is my cousin. Of course no one really knows this except for my close friends. Me and yeonjun hyung didn't want people to think I only get high scores in his class because we are related.

" sunoo we already talked about this you don't have to be worried, if you get to cold just ask someone for something to give you warmth. You are very popular among students and everyone loves you. Plus you can always come to my classroom the door is always open for you, and literally everyone, but still!" Yeonjun hyung ranted to me giving me a sense of comfort.
I chuckled and thanked Yeonjun hyung for being so caring and understanding. "Anytime, remember don't bottle up emotions. And don't be afraid to speak up and ask for help" Yeonjun said with a more serious tone at the end of his sentence. Hyung pulled me up from the chair and told me to hurry back to my dorm since he knew that his class was my last for the day.

As I walked through the hallways I steadied my breathing and looked around taking in the beautiful scenery. Now sunoo might hate winter but he won't ever even try to deny once that it is beautiful. As he was walking he felt refreshed, very cold and still shivering but refreshed.

He wasn't paying attention and felt himself hit run into something and next thing he knew he was laying on the ground with someone on top of him. Sunoo strangely felt warm. He opened his eyes only to be greeted by a very handsome face, they both immediately locked eyes with a strangely comfortable silence surrounding them.

Sunoo was the first to break the silence. " O-oh I-I'm very sorry, I wasn't looking w-where I was going! It's all my fault, I'm T-truly sorry. " I explained, getting lost in the others eyes again. The other only just realized he still hadn't gotten off of him, he could only get off of the shorter(sunoo) and chuckle a bit while saying" don't worry, it's ok, it's my fault to. Don't blame yourself! " "you're not hurt anywhere are you? Why are you shaking? Are you ok? " the other asked with a worried soft voice. Sunoo had a whole war in his head on whether to tell this stranger why he's shaking so much.

He ended up just deciding to ask his name first and then explain why he's shaking so much. "I'll tell you if you tell me your name first. "

" oh, ok then! My name is Nishimura Riki but you can call me Niki! What about you? What's your name?" " oh my name is kim Sunoo, just call me sunoo, if that wasn't obvious already. And the reason I am shaking so much is because I'm really sensitive to the cold. But you're surprisingly warm!" "Pretty name! But that's really sad. It must be tough living life being cold all the time" Niki frowned " it is hard, but I've learned to live with it. Well kind of anyways."

"Were you heading to your dorm? If you were we can walk together, as long as it'll keep you warm!" Niki exclaimed with a boxy smile.
"Aww you're so sweet! Do you want to be friends? Also yes we can walk to my dorm together if you're okay with it! "

And so me and niki walked to my dorm while getting to know each other. I found out that niki transferred to our college just today and has almost the same schedule as me! We also now know that I'm the older one of us. Not to mention we are dorm neighbors!

When we got back we exchanged numbers and went into our own shared dorms.

I walked in on a grumpy jungwon watching  Jake play subway surfers. I went to the kitchen to start gathering ingredients to cook dinner later. Wonnie came up from behind me and decided it would be a good idea to back hug me while at the same time picking me up to bring me to the couch where Jake sat.

Jungwon sat down and playfully kept me in his arms to annoy me because he knew I was trying to start getting dinner ready. I just continued to try and wiggle my way out of the hug, because even though it felt sort of warm I still needed to finish what I was doing or at least put the things I got out, away.

Yeah, that didn't work and I gave up, because I was now low on energy from all my effort. So I basically just sat on jungwon's leg half asleep with him still hugging me because he knew I was tired and would be cold again if he stopped hugging me randomly. In the end we both fell asleep and Jake ended up putting the ingredients away and ordering food instead

- hey everyone this is the first chapter, feel free to tell me how you feel about it! I hope you liked it, and even if you don't I won't take offence to it don't worry. Just tell me what you don't or do like about it so I can reflect on it in the future when writing chapters! Oh I also changed the plot because I didn't really know what to do with the other one. Bye Lovelyz!!

Also this is how I picture yeonjun looking in the book!

Also this is how I picture yeonjun looking in the book!

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