New colors

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I took the picture above a while ago^^-

Sunoo's pov:

I woke up still in niki's lap, surprisingly I slept well again. I seem to always get great sleep when I'm beside or I guess you could also say on Nini, strange.

Anyway I tried getting up by beginning to lift my head off his chest, but when I tried to move my actual full body, I couldn't. I looked down to see what was stopping me. Can you guess what it is?

It's Nini's hands, of which held a soft yet firm grip on both my waist and hip. I brought my arms up and cupped his face. After about a minute of staring and admiring Riki's face I saw him smirk.

This bitch caught me, shit... He wasn't supposed to wake up until I decided to hit his head! UGH, I mentally face palmed myself, while also crying on the inside.

I let go of him face with a very noticeable blush, you couldn't miss it from a mile away.

He was still smirking and just when I was almost convinced that he was just having a good dream or something, he brought his hands to my face. Along with the wonderful calming feeling of him   caressing my cheek I didn't even realize I was snuggling up against him like a cat that finally decides they want attention.

He moved one hand back to my waist and started to caress exposed skin.

Time skippppp-

When I finally got Riki to get out of the bed he went to take a shower as I went to make some breakfast.

When I got to the kitchen I saw breakfast already made and sitting on the counter. I look to my side and saw jake and jungwon. "Gooooddddddd morningggggggg~" they laughed at my cheerful behavior.

"Good morning sunoo, also is Niki still here? Or did he just stay over?"
Jake hyung looked so confused and curious while saying this.

"No he didn't go home yesterday, he slept over! Why do you ask?" "Just wondering Sun, nothing more. " I looked over at jungwon again, he looked tired. Randomly I decided I was going to change because I had forgotten to before I left the room.


After like a minute I got back from changing, Nini was still showering so I went over to get cuddles from wonie. When I sat down he clung onto me, so I scooted closer to him. Also can you believe how jungwon is? He looks like a tiny cat but in reality He's probably the strongest person I know.

Honestly I wasn't surprised when jungwon picked me up and set me down to sit on him, The reason always was that he loved my presence and that I was just so soft and cuddly. That's what he would always tell me when he just randomly does this.

"Hey won, me and Niki are going to go and dye our hair together today. Do you want us to come back after and pick you up so we can all hangout?"

"Oh, no that's fine hyung. You two can hangout by yourselves, me and jakey hyung already made plans to hangout today with seungie hyung and jay hyung!" (I had a stroke writing all of those "hyung"s 😵‍💫)

Nodding I played with wonie's hands because, well why not? In the process of drawing with a pen on jungwons hand Nini walked in the room, finally done with his shower.

Not going to like he looks hot with his hair completely wet. Like five minutes later we left the house after saying our good byes to won and jakey hyung.

Before we left jake hyung said we could use his car... But the thing is he winked at Nini before we left. Strange right?

During the ride to the salon or barber or whater you call it, it felt as if we were stuck in a slightly awkward and comfortable but tension filled silence.

Time skippppppppppp hehe

Niki's pov:

we finally arrived at the barbershop or salon, depends on what you call it I guess? ANYWAY have I already mentioned how pretty Ddeonu is????? Because if so it obviously wasn't even close to enough.

Although we started off kind of awkward today I felt that we were already back to being comfortable with each other. " Nini, our appointment is in like 14 minutes, not much of a wait. What do you want to do in the meantime? "
"I don't know. Oh Noo, I'm gonna go back to calling you hyung because it feels awkward when I don't. "

I saw Sun hyung chuckle and nodded his head in agreement. "Well, do you want to take a small walk? Or would you rather just listen to music while we wait?"

How is his voice so angelic and calming? It feels so refreshing just to hear his voice, like a cool breeze on a hot summer day. Like a boost of energy on a day where you just can't find any motivation to do anything.

"If it's ok, I'd rather listen to music while we wait.. " Hyung nodded and asked what type of music I liked. "I don't have much of a preference on music, but if you want a suggestion.. What language?" Sunoo looked as if he were in deep thought until he finally responded with

Next thing I know we're listening to "Hey, Soul Sister" by Train. Great song by the way, one of my favorites.

When sunoo hyung started to sing the song I felt literal butterflies, not even joking. He was even better at singing than talking if that's even possible, considering his normal talking voice is already so soothing.

Next song was one that he decided on and I believe it was called "Raise y_our glass" by HUH YUNJIN. The song was so relaxing and I loved it, new song added to my playlist.

Soon enough it was time for our hair appointment, we stepped out of the car and almost immediately the smell of fresh pasterys hit my nose. I looked over, after seeing a bakery I took a mental note to take noo hyung there after our appointment.

Time skkkipppp-

Sunoo's pov:

We walked out of the barbershop and headed to the bakery that Ni-ki was talking about when we were getting our hair dyed.

The smell that was coming from the bakery gave me energy and boosted my mood.

Time skipppp again-

It was now dark about 6pm, the two of us had a great day! After we went to the bakery we had gone to a lake and took a nice refreshing walk. A bit later we had gotten lunch and went to the shops to find some things. Overall I think it was a fun and successful attempt at giving This giant baby a great day.

When we got back to the dorms we decided to go to Rikis dorm considering everyone is there currently. Winter break would be ending soon sadly do we all decided to just have a sleepover again.

Amazing how close you can get to some people within only a small amount of time right?

A/n: this chapter might be REALLY messy and maybe a tad bit boring but that's okay.
What were your honest thoughts on this chapter? I'm going to try and make the next chapter more eventful and include TXT again, but if I don't.. Don't quote me on that. 🤪🤭☺

Make sure to not skip any meals and drink a good amount of water ok? 🥺
I love you, have a great day my Lovelyz ❤❤

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