Chapter~ 3 Strange Feelings

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My experience of the first day at the library was incredible. I come back to my place and start telling mom about my wonderful experience of the day.

'Vinaya! You're back. So How was your first day at the library? Hmm..hmm..'

'Don't even ask Mom! It was so amazing. You know there were so many beautiful and heartwarming books. It was so hard to choose a book..
I looked of for some time and finally decided on a book! It's called " MAYBE SOME DAY".
It sounds great from the title. Doesn't it'?

'Oh okay okay haha.. At least come inside and sit down first. Tell me the rest'

'Yes! Mom'
'So mom, I also met the owner of the library! His name's Ryan. He is such a gentleman~ '

'Hm? Gentlemen! Why? What did you talk about with him for you call him that?

'Oh! Mom. It's not like that! He just came to greet me as I was a new customer there... I think most people haven't get to know about this amazing library yet'.

' It's getting late Vinaya. Now you should go and wash up. I'll go and prepare for dinner. Your dad will be home soon..'

Later at Night~

Hah. I sigh. 'It was a great yet long day'.
I am finally here in my most favorite place guess what? No other than my bed haha! '
It's time for a good night's sleep!!

Like that, the next day has arrived in a wink..

After spending half of my day at school and getting some rest, It's finally time to go to the library!

At the Library~
( Crowded)

'No way how is it so crowded in just a day? Fortunately my place is empty. Nobody has taken it yet'~
I sit down with the book in my hand ready to start!

Suddenly I saw boy straight in my row reading. I was stunned. Boys have these hobbies too? I have seen a boy read so peacefully and calmly for the first time.
I got lost. Seeing him reading it so peacefully made me keep looking at him.
He didn't saw me yet but I wanted him to look at here.
Why you ask? I don't know why.. ?

He made me feel so confused about What I am even Feeling.

I never had ever felt this way.

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