Chapter~9 Conversation

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Vinn: Oh I see Mr Ryan. It's okay.. Haha you were really busy at that moment..

Me: Thanks for understanding! I'll forward you Allie's number.

Vinn: yes sure.

I wonder how she saved my number hehe. . Oh ! I can't let this convo end like this.. Should I ask if she had dinner? But isn't it too early for that. She'll probably think I am a fool.

Me: By the way, miss Vinaya have you--

Ring Ring~
Incoming Call
( Aanya)

Urgh. Why is she calling me again. Even her timing is worst just like her.

Call Declined.

Me: By the way, miss Vinaya have you tasted the coffee at my place? Let me know which type of coffee do you like. Besides I added a few more types in the menu today. That's why I was so busy earlier at--

Incoming Call

Call Received.

"What is it? Why are you calling me again? Aanya can't you tell I am very busy? I don't have time for your crap.

" Ryan. Hear me out. I never intended to do that. I am sorry okay? Please just forgive me already! Ryaaan" .

"I know that you've realised the thing you did. Even if you are truly sorry Or whatever, I am not taking you back ever again. I mean it.

And if you still want to pursue me then go ahead. I won't stop you. But that'll be useless shit. For real. Oh and one more thing, Don't ever even try to come back to my library once again".



Mr Ryan: By the way, miss Vinaya have you tried the coffee at my place? Let me know which type of coffee do you like. Besides I added a few more types in the menu today. That's why I was so busy earlier at that time.

Me: Oh, No I haven't tried coffee at your place. Haha yes I do really like the iced coffee.. Ohh I see! I'll check em out sometimes.

Mr Ryan: Ooh so you like iced coffee. I'll keep that in mind.

What does that mean? He'll keep that in mind? Why?

Me: hmm.

Next Day~

Today, right when I open the library gate I see Aarav. Straight in the row I sit in. Everything in this library feels back to normal to me now that he's where he used to be. He didn't check who came inside. Nor he even looked my way. He seemed to be distressed just like the other day.

This somehow doesn't feel right. I won't deny this feeling today. I won't just go and take my seat . Even if I do, I wont be able to read a single thing.

I will approach him today and ask him what's so concerning that has stole that beautiful smile he has. What's so distressing that won't even let him read or even see me. Yes I will ask him even if he finds it awkward, weird or whatever.

"Hey, Aarav".

"Hm, oh Hi. Vinaya".

"What's wrong? I mean you seem a bit lost. Is there something concerning you"?

" I-its nothing Vinaya".

"Hey, don't lie. Sharing things always makes your heart feel light. Sometimes it's better to just let it out rather than burdening yourself"



This is the first time that Vinaya approached me by herself. I didn't see her coming so I was a bit taken aback when she came near me and greeted me. She never used to notice anything about me if I am correct.

She was worried about me? Maybe she missed me yesterday and she was worried why I am not talking to her.

Hah. I don't know how to tell her about it. She'll probably think low of me if I said that. I already have a lot to worry about. I don't know how I am supposed to tell her.

Vinaya drags a chair from the next to mine and brings it super close to my chair. She doesn't even hesitate to sit besides me. I feel like I am the one who's so nervous right now. She looks into my eyes directly. We never made eye contact for this long before while sitting this close. I hope she doesn't hear the beats of my heart which are going up like crazy .

Thump. .. Thump. .

"So Aarav, let's have a conversation".


"Yes, tell me what's going on. Who knows I can help you"?

I'll probably feel lot better if I tell her.

" Okay. Vinaya. Let's have a deep conversation".

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