"The Silence Between us." (Chapter 3)

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All the pups gather to the elevator, except for the dal, who parked his vehicle into a vacant spot. "Wait for me!"

He jumped out of his truck which eventually turned into a puphouse.

He runs but he bumps into a animal toy, which causes him to toss in the air and made the pups knockdown. "Hey, that squishy toy want me to squish you pups." A group was heard with their laughter, including the shepherd.

Where they have gone to? A curious shepherd looked at the dal.

The elevator ascends into the top, have their uniforms on and lining up what they used to do.

"Paw Patrol, ready for action, Ryder, Sir!" He puts his paw in determination.

"Thanks for the hustle, pups!" He pressed his puppad, revealing a big screen. "As you all know, Daring Danny loves to do stunts right?" He asked the pups. "Yeah.. what about it, Ryder?" The aviator pup answered.

"Well, he's at it again." Ryder upsetly sighed to himself. "Again? What do you mean?"

"Danny is going to perform his stunt in Farmer Yumi's!" The pups gasped.

"Danny puts some ramps between the barn to perform a quadruple turns." Ryder explained. "But it turns out, it went completely backfired. The winds blew really hard, causes Danny to fly up in the air." He added.

"That's why in this Mission, I need.." he picked Marshall the EMT, Rubble and Chase. "Alright, Paw Patrol is on the roll!"


They are now at Farmer Yumi's, sirens and engines revving was heard around the farm. Farmer Al went out to see the Paw Patrol.

"Oh, hey there, Ryder. Pups. What's up?" He greeted them. "Farmer Al, do you know that Danny performs his stunt here? Does Farmer Yumi told you?" The boy asked. "No, Ryder, but I only see this freaking big ramps besides my barn."

"Chase, secure the area. Rubble, make an hole for the landing pad, and Marshall, get ready with your EMT skills, it might need it." Ryder commanded the three pups. "You got it, Ryder!" The three pups said at the same time.

"Arf, Cones!" Cones was placed all over the barn, just the front. Rubble digged a square hole to fit the Landing Pad. "Marshall, do you have any Landing Pad in your truck?" The boy looked at the dalmatian.

"Hmm, let me check." He goes to his emergency truck and found one. He immediately got it off his truck. "Perfect. Thanks, Marshall!" Ryder carried the landing pad. "Are you done, Rubble?" "Yep, but I don't know about this. Shall I go deeper?" Rubble looked at the boy and he just smile.

"No need, Rubble." The puts the pad into the hole with the help of other pups.

"That should do it!" Ryder looked at the sky but Danny was nowhere to be seen. "Huh? Where the heck is Danny?" "He must've been blown away by the wind, somewhere." The farmer spoked.

"Winds blow pretty fast alright. I'll provide some backup!" He took his puppad and called the aviator pup. "Hey, Ryder! What do you need? She spoked.

"Skye, Danny is on the loose cause the wind is picking up its speed. I need you and your goggles to look at him, anywhere!" He commanded, earning a bark and a backflip. "You got it! This pups' gotta fly!"


Skye is now at the sky, looking everywhere, and also looking for Danny. "Arf, goggles!" The goggles immediately zoomed in, angle every angle, but no one was in sight.

"Ryder, I can't find Danny here." She spoked through her puptag. Winds are picking up their gushes, making the aviator pup hard for her to control her copter.

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