"My Mission." (Chapter 7)

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Chase, Skye and Rocky trailed themselves towards the mountain where the two dals will meet.

"Ok, me and Skye will be stay in the lookout for them. You, Rocky, put yourself into stealth mode. And take a look at him to see if he does something to Marshall."

"Got it!" Whisper on Rocky's tone.

"Ok, move."

They've quickly hold theur positions as what they have told by Chase.

"Arf, wall walkers!" Rocky's shoes has this round, and sticky thing, like plumber thing.

He walked to the rocky side of the mountain.

"Ok, Chase, I'm on position."

"Great, just keep an eye on him."

"Stealth mode." His gear turned into a black with green lines in it. He quickly walked and takes a peak of the two.

He sees Kevin goes to Marshall's back to attached the necklace, but his eyes were on Kevin. He instantly looked at the puppack.

"Wait.." he looks at the claw arm, what is it holding?

Rocky gasped and quickly covers his mouth. He steps backwards a bit.

"Chase, Kevin has this antidote in his claw arm. I think he is going to inject Marshall."

"What?! Ok, just keep peaking there."

Rocky peaked again and all he can see now is Marshall laying on the ground.

"The plan is now on course, Marshall is now unconscious."

Rocky pressed his puptag to send some voice recordings.

"Great, I'll be there."

Rocky instantly stopped peaking and sends the recordings to Chase.


Chase and Skye were behind the rock, waiting for the eco-pup to send something.

"Here, Chase."

"Thanks, Rocky."

They played the record with his tag. But a familiar voice caught their attention.

"Wait.. that can't be.." "..Mayor Humdinger?"

"Affirmative, Chase. Mayor Humdinger carried Marshall to the dog's cage."

"A what!?"

"Wait, Mayor said he is going to.. in some puppy store!"

Chase felt his pupils shrunk, also his heart. How did he find an ally like Kevin? Most importantly, why are they taking him into some puppy store?

"Ok, thanks, Rocky. You can come here now."

"Chase.. what should we do?" The voice of the cockapoo caught the shepherd's attention.

"I don't know.. but we'll have to tell Ryder for sure."

"I don't think you can 'tell' Ryder about it." Glancing a smirk to the two pups.

"Why, hello again, Skye. It's been a long time."

"Tsk! Shut up!"

"Ouch, Don't be such a tough puppy now."

Skye could feel her blood boiling after seeing each other with over 8 years ago. Rage was the only expression of the cockapoo, ready to slash him with her claws.

"Skye, don't." The shepherd caught her attention when she growled.

"Chase, I'm her- woahh!" Rocky stopped to his tracks and glances the dalmatian.

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