Painty? (5)

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♡Paintbrush POV♡

When Paintbrush woke up the next morning their actions finally dawned on them.(,,○﹏○,,) WHY WHY WHY DID I DO THAT?! Paintbrush had simply acted on impulse. They always did that though...I know what it's like to be in love... I loved Lightbulb after all. Paintbrush winced, thinking about her still stung. Silvers not like her though... Paintbrush chuckled, remembering the lengths Silver Spoon went for their forgiveness after he (and Candle) betrayed the new-old Thinkers...
It had completely shattered Paintbrushes heart, since they had a small-well it was kind of big, crush on him at the time, and they had felt sure he liked them too(Paintbrush and Lightbulb weren't dating till after III)
He spent 7 months apologizing, planning a huge party, and paying to make my birthday a national holiday before I said... "Okay! FINE!"

Paintbrush walked down to the lobby, looking for a distraction. Pickle and Yin-Yang were playing video-games, though Yang would rage quit often. Soap was vacuuming behind Tissues frantically, who was talking to Cheesey and Trophy. The Cherries were trying to make Box smile, and failing. Nickel and Balloon were chatting with Life Ring. And Paper and Oj were sweet talking to eachother as they cleaned up the kitchen. Salt was watching enviously, and Pepper was trying to get her to pay attention to her.
All seemed well, untill someone came crashing through the door. "Wassup!" The bulb was wearing neon glasses that rapidly changed colors.
Paintbrush was about to run back to the safety of their room when someone blocked their path. Paintbrush looked to see Fan and Test Tube. "Wuh! Get out of the way! She's here!" Paintbrush tried to shove them out of their way. "This is for your own good Paintbrush." Fan said determinedly. Paintbrush flamed up and prepared to shut Fan together and make their escape, when...


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