"♡" (11)

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◇Silver Spoon POV◇

Silver Spoon sat on his bed, mostly thinking about Paintbrush. He tried not to but he really wanted to tell somebody... Chives knocked elegantly at the door and entered. Silver Spoon immediately saw a change in Chives. "Master Silver Spoon, I request the knowledge of what happened while you were out with...friends." Silver Spoon knew this translated to 'What are you hiding?' he blushed, "Nothing!" Chives glared at him. "Very well, it seems a bond I thought was long-lasting has been but a breaking thread, and now it has snapped..." Chives looked sadly at Silver Spoon. Chives was one of Silver Spoon's closest friends. He didn't
know concealing a, small, bit of information would sabotage their friendship forever! "Fine Fine!" Silver Spoon caves at last, "There was just a little small thing I would like to mention to you my dear friend Chives." Chives seemed pleased and came as Silver Spoon beckoned him closer. Silver Spoon whisper's to Chives about the kiss('-ω-')
Chives looked mortified, "You...did...WHAT?!" Chives gasps. Silver Spoon scoffs, "What's the problem? I love them and they love me!" Chives shook his head, "No, no, no, they must just be in it for the money-!" Silver Spoon pathetically shoves Chives, "You...Take that back!" Chives stepped back, "I'm sorry Master Silver Spoon, I know you must be quite fond of them... But I must prohibit you from seeing them again." Silver Spoon frowned, "Chivesss! Your not being fairrr!" Chives crossed his arms, "I'm not falling for that one again! And if that's the way your going to be then I might as well tell, the other Masters" Silver Spoon flinched, and shook his head. Chives smiled, "Don't worry, this will all blow over in time..." Chives left and and closed the door behind him. Well that's not going to happen... Silver Spoon pulled out his phone and started texting Paintbrush again...

♡Paintbrush POV♡

Paintbrush sat on their bed blushing as they texted Silver Spoon back. The door swung open and Lightbulb came inside, Paintbrush hid their phone under a pillow as she came in. "What. Were. You doing." Lightbulb says, glaring suspiciously at the pillow the phone was hiding under. Paintbrush started to sweat, "Oh, y-you know! Just uhhh," Paintbrush looked around the room, "Buying...W-Walls?" Paintbrush stuttered. "Buying Walls? Really?" Lightbulb raised an eyebrow. "Errr, look Lightbulb, I'll uh t-tell you later..." "When Later?" Lightbulb replied. Paintbrush shrugged awkwardly Lightbulb sighed, then closed the door behind her. Paintbrush fell back down on their bed, they knew they loved Silver Spoon, but they still found it hard to...trust again... He wouldn't do that though...
Paintbrush thought as they picked up their phone.

Paintbrush(texting)- "We need to talk."

Silver Spoon(texting)- "What?!"

Paintbrush- "I mean about how this is going to work, got any idea's where?"

Silver Spoon- "I always do, Resturant, Café, Park, Golf?"

Paintbrush- "I know a nice café nearby,"

Silver Spoon- "Tomarrow morning at 6?"

Paintbrush- "Great! See you there!"

Silver Spoon- "And Dearest,"

Silver Spoon- "( ˘ ³˘)♡"

Paintbrush- "♡"

Quenching the Flames(SilverBrush II)Where stories live. Discover now