Baxt-er The Past(6)

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♡Paintbrush POV♡

The whole Hotel seemed too quiet as all eyes were glued to Paintbrush and Lightbulb. "Painty..." Lightbulb seemed at a loss for words. Paintbrush felt their sorrow start to evaporate...and get replaced by anger. Their flames started flickering dangerously, and Fan ran behind Test Tube and pulled out his phone. "I, I'm sorry..." Lightbulb looks as if she were going to cry. Paintbrush found it hard to be angry when Lightbulb looked so devastated. She wasn't their go with the flow, optimistic, fearless friend. She seemed genuinely sorry...

Paintbrush then thought about how she made them feel.
"" Paintbrush said at last, Lightbulb brightened up, then looked away guiltily. "I-I know... I, don't have an excuse for what I did... When you love someone, you make sacrifices for them. And...if that means your freedom then...I was to stingy to make you want to stay..." Lightbulb sounded angry, but at herself. She crossed her arms and looked away. Paintbrush looked at Lightbulb, "Oh, Lightbulb! I never wanted you to feel like you were trapped when we were dating... I just... Wanted you to love me, and love me first..." Lightbulb perked up, but Paintbrush was looking away now. Lightbulb lit up, "I-I can this time!" Fan and Test Tube gasped while Oj grabbed a fire extinguisher.
Paintbrush lit up immediately, "AGAIN?!" Lightbulb flinched, but stepped forwards, "I can be better this time! Really!" Lightbulb really looked hopeful and genuine. Lightbulb un- wrapped a ring pop, "What do you say Painty... Do over?" Paintbrush flashed back through all the time they had spent with Lightbulb, when they loved her. As well as all they time they had spent crying over her.


Lightbulb looked shattered at Paintbrushes response as a small crack formed on her face.
Lightbulb looked at the ring pop in her hand. "...Okay..." Lightbulb held back her tears. Paintbrush felt sympathy for Lightbulb ( after all they were dating for like a year or 2) Paintbrush sat down next to Lightbulb, "Look Lightbulb, I forgive you but... I... I don't feel the same way as I did before. You really hurt me and I, I don't think we could ever go back to what we had before," especially after all that time with Silver... Lightbulb wiped a tear of her face, "I, I'll still miss you though..." Lightbulb hugged Paintbrush, who didn't resist. "We'll still be best friends, right?" Paintbrush asked Lightbulb. Lightbulb looked hopefully at Paintbrush

"Forever and Ever..."

Quenching the Flames(SilverBrush II)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن