It's A Date(7)

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    ◇Silver Spoon POV◇

        Silver Spoon waited anxiously by his expensive mephone15s. He kept waiting for it to ring, minutes dragged on, the clock in the hallway going Tick-Tock Tick-Tock Tick-Tock.
  He had already heard from Fan that Paintbrush and Lightbulb had become friends again. He couldn't help but have a jealous twinge whenever he thought about them being together. Paintbrush likes ME! They kissed ME! Silver Spoon smiled remembering that moment, but quickly thought, What business does Lightbulb have-

Silver Spoon grabbed the phone, "Hello," he said, "Hey Silver! So...funny story...heheh, me and Lightbulb made up and...well, it's all good now! I'll be moving in again next week, Lightbulb says Baxter has missed me!" Paintbrush kept talking about Lightbulb for the rest of the phone call. Silver Spoon was used to having to hear about her though... He still couldn't stop that piercing feeling that made him very very mad when Paintbrush said Lightbulb's name with such happiness and affection. I wonder if they talk about me like that... Ugh, I asume Lightbulb is just going to sweep Paintbrush to the side again! What does Paintbrush see in her? Am I not funny enough? What does Paintbrush-"You still there?" Silver Spoon, bit back enough salt to say "Thats wonderful my dear," He could hear Paintbrush flare up on the other side of the phone.  I hope that was a 'I forgot how cute Silver Spoon is!' flame up and not a, 'oh, I forgot to break up with him', one. Silver Spoon desperately hoped it was the first option. "Well...I was...errr...wondering if you maybe...wanted too, like, hang-out tomorrow?" Silver Spoon smiled, YES! It WAS the first one! Aww, Paintbrush is so cute when they're flustered... Silver Spoon blushed, "It would be a delight my dear." It was clear some of his amusement and pride shone through. "Y-You know, something, small like...maybe...just a walk and Ice creams?" Paintbrush's voice was a squeak. Silver Spoon shuddered, the last time he had ice cream was after that horrid roller coaster ride. "Alright, see you tomorrow morning my, d-dear!"" Silver Spoon almost said something like 'My love!' or 'My Dearest!' That would be WAY over the line of dropping hints, or accidently confessing to them. Silver Spoon remembered what Paintbrush had said, Wait...was that Paintbrushes way of-Did I just get ASKED OUT?!?!

♡Paintbrush POV♡

      Paintbrush flopped down on their bed and let out the breath they didn't know they were holding. I did it! Paintbrush hugged a pillow in their arms tightly, Hold on Paintbrush its not like its a date or anything!

5 minutes later...
     Paintbrush stared intensely at the wall, Its a date.

3 minutes later...
       Paintbrush paces around their room, You don't even know if you like him that way!
    "Sure he's funny, if a bit annoying and narcissistic, and he has been there for me when I needed him... And he's a good friend..." Paintbrush murmurs to themselves.

             10 minutes later...
Maybe just a walk and ice cream DURR! What were you thinking!? Paintbrush sighed as they plopped over their bed face first.

               5 more minutes later...
     Looking inside a mirror Paintbrush alternated between a flower in their bristles or a seashell. Untill they get frustrated and explode.

              20 minutes later...
     Paintbrush dives onto their bed face first and sighs through their pillow. Their room was in shambles from their indecision, and their pillow was floppy and weak, all the stuffing had been worked around and flattened. Paintbrush looked at their phone background, a selfie of them and half-hidden Silver Spoon. They smiled warmly and turned of the light switch.
That will be tomorrow's problem...


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