I Love You More(10)

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♡Paintbrush POV♡

Paintbrush had been positive that they were going to totally explode or Freak Out! Or something like that... Well, they were half right.

OH MY GOSH I ACTUALLY DID ITTTTTT!!! Paintbrush was certain that they had dreamed of kissing Silver Spoon, but they were still being held tight. Silver Spoon looked just as shocked as Paintbrush was feeling...And Paintbrush relized how warm they felt. Paintbrush and Silver Spoon both stepped back from eachother. Lightbulb is going to kill me! While they were supposed to be alarmed Paintbrush couldn't help a wave of happiness that floods over them, changing their flaming bristles a delightful rosey-red, that matched their face.

◇Silver Spoon POV◇

Silver Spoon stared at Paintbrush, unsure what to say, was there anything to say at all? And in a wonderful-horrible, horribly wonderful relization, something clicked. What-They!-ME!- PAINTBRUSH KISSED ME!! Silver Spoon had to admit that he had imagined it a couple times...But that was Nothing! NOTHING! Compared to the real deal. He regretted pulling away from them now. "W-Wow!" Paintbrush said, a smile spreading on their face. A new smile Silver Spoon had never seen before. Paintbrush slid over next to him, their bristles cooling. "Yooou loooove me!!!" Paintbrush teased, their arms behind their back. Silver Spoon couldn't help but smile. "Speak for yourself dearest," He said, holding their hand in his. Paintbrush giggled, "Well I'm not the idiot who waited FOREVER to tell me how he felt!" Silver Spoon scoffed, "Well you were too clueless to realize how I felt," Paintbrush stopped to think, "Well you were too impatient to wait for me to catch on," "Well you were dense." Paintbrush gasps "I AM NOT DENSE!!! YOUR JUST TALENTED!!!" Silver Spoon smiled at Paintbrush, "Well thanks for the compliment dearest," Paintbrush glares at him, then starts laughing,
"Stop making me love you more!"

Quenching the Flames(SilverBrush II)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum