All You Need(16)

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♡Paintbrush POV♡

"Soo... You're sure, no interruptions?" Paintbrush quizzed Oj again. If I'm going to tell a bombshell of news that could possibly DESTROY LIVES and RUIN FRIENDSHIPS beyond repair! I should at least do a good job..."Paintbrush, you don't need to worry about it. They'll be there for you, even if they don't agree with you," Oj said, patting Paintbrushes hand like they were some sort of child. Paper walked into the room rolling his eyes while turning to Paintbrush, "Look, all they want is for you to be happy, they love you and they'll be glad you've found someone that makes you happy." Paintbrush felt themself blush from embarressment, they weren't...used to other people speaking about their relationship so openly...But, they had really needed to hear that... Paper and Oj were the only ones who knew about Paintbrush and Silver Spoon, not by choice of course, Paper had guessed and Paintbrush had been wanting to tell someone for awhile. Paper had though broke his promise to Paintbrush and told Oj... He had kept quiet recently though. "But seriously Paintbrush," Paintbrushes attention came back to Oj, "You-Really- "
Oj stopped and sputtered, "Silver!?" Paintbrush frowned, "Oj, if you want to say something about MY boyfriend, best not keep it vague." When Oj spotted Paintbrush starting to flame he just quickly apologized. "Well, go get em! And errr, good luck with... you-know-who," Paintbrush sighed, Lightbulb... "She's not going to like him, that's for sure, but..." Paintbrush looked at Oj and side smiled, "I love him," Paintbrushes could tell that some of their affections had flooded into their tone. Oj walked held Paintbrushes hand in his,

"That's all you need."

Quenching the Flames(SilverBrush II)Where stories live. Discover now