Breaking & Entering

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 While eating fudge from the fridge, I notice it was starting to get cloudy outside. It was odd. It never got as dark as quick as it did right now. It seemed the temperature dropped dramatically as well.

 The lights on the shed turn on warning that darkness has arrived. The backlights to the back patio turned on as if someone was walking out there in the darkness. Was a big storm coming?

 Darkness swallowed the town as if a thick blanket was quickly thrown over the top of it. A magician's trick.

 Frost started to cover the plants as they wilted and died. I licked the last of the fudge off my right index finger and secured the lid on the jar. I began to feel cold and dead inside. And not because of the fudge I ate.

 I start to get weary of the changes outside. They were out of the ordinary. I clear my throat to speak in a worried eerie tone, "Hey Apollo...come here...I think something's going on...."

 Estranged. I was estranged. I walk into the living room and peer out the big sliding glass door. I push the curtains aside so I have a better view at the yard which was suddenly thrusted into its winter stage.

 Footsteps approach me from behind. I see it was Apollo's reflection in the glass. "what's wrong? He begins to ask as he follows my gaze out the door. He quickly snaps and runs toward me, tackling me to the ground like a football player, only he does it gracefully and gets us out of the way of the windows and doors. He shields me and makes sure I'm fine the whole time. But what was he shielding me from?

 The sliding glass door unlocks itself. The house begins to shake. It thunders and lightnings. Then it pours. The sliding glass door tries to open itself but fails to for a pipe was placed on the other side of it to keep it from being forced open. It was doing exactly what its purpose was.

 Apollo was worried sick. It was written all over his face. I crawled out from under him and sat on my shins looking at his face. What was wrong? We probably should get in the basement with this kinda storm. Apollo grabs my right wrist and asks me, "what are you doing to prevent that door from opening?"

 I shake my head with a worried look on my face, "nothing. I'm doing nothing. There's a pipe there that's stopping the door from opening. I'm not magic, I don't have any sort of powers if that's what you're concerned about."

 Apollo snapped, "that's because you're an angel."

 I shake my head in denial, "I am NOT an angel. My father put that pipe there a long time ago!"

 He looks to me, his eyes deep in fear, "aren't you scared?"

 "Scared of what?! Thunder? Lightning?"

 "The Suns."

 " I don't know who or what they are or anything about them, so why should I be afraid? I have no reason to fear what I do not know."

 Apollo seemed outraged by my ignorance and/or courage. He stood up for a second before crouching down again. "Alright. Now things around here are gonna get a bit weird. But you're just gonna have to forget that and accept them the  way they are unless you don't wanna see tomorrow."

 I practically yell back, "what do you mean 'unless ya' don't wanna see tomorrow!?' What the hell is going on?!"

 He looks at his hands before he looks me right in the eyes, "if I tell you, then you'll have to help me and you'll never be the same. But in return you will not be what your parents want to—you'll never be able to be the best again, no prodigy student. You'll be looked upon as something else which may be better and or what you want!"

 I nod, "alright. I'm gonna find out what you are one way or another so face it. And you know I'm not some 'top-notch' student."

 Apollo bows his head quickly thinking. He closes his eyes, "that is one of the Setting Suns, and I'm one of the Fallen Feather's Handlers'. I am the last Handler at this time. You are a fallen feather or an Angel. We are currently 'at war' with the Setting Suns. We're good, they're evil. They're using the completely unoriginal plot of 'we wanna take over the world'. Each handler has an angel they have to take care of and protect, as well as fight alongside with them. My Angel, Avangeline, was taken by them and to avenge her and take out the final eight Suns, I need a new angel. You possess the feather of a fallen angel, and therefore are an angel. So I need to make you what I handle before they eat you as food. Although I don't know why they didn't eat you yet. You're an open target..."

 I think for a moment before snapping back, "How do I possess the feather?!"

 Apollo slaps me, "there's not time for questions! Look. I told you about everything and now that you know that, you must be a part of it. You're an angel and I need you to stand beside me. If you don't right now, we're all gonna be goners. So are you ready to fight this monster—the weakest of the eight Suns, or not?!"

 I growl before I agree, "alright. But this better be simple, I'm not the most athletic. I'm better in the brains and creativity departments. What do I have to do?"

 "Grow wings. Give me your right hand."I shout as the wind picks up. It was hard to hear anything but it. "I'm not an angel! My friends may call me Angel but I'm not an angel!" Apollo grabs my hand and kisses it. I scream and draw it back to slap him with it. "What are you doing are you crazy?!" A circle of encryptions lights up around us. It was a light blue colour. A strong gust of wind blew up from the ground. My hair was blown almost straight up. I used my right hand which held a circle now with the same encryption on it to hold my hair back down so I didn't look like I was crazy. My left hand contained a circle too now. There was one on my heart in the center of my chest, as well as on the backs of Apollo's hands and his heart.

 Apollo sat on his shins and placed his hands on his shoulders, hugging himself. He bowed his head letting his messy hair blow back. The encryption circles increases in size as I feel my back start to hurt. The pain was sharp, and I now know what being in agony meant.I took off my sweater so I could see my back, when two fluffy wings stuck out and opened. I looked at them in fear and screamed. They were white unlike my black clothing choice. I looked at them and they changed to silky black. I looked at them again, thinking, and they turned white on the top, brown layered in at the bottom. I looked again and they were silky black.So I could choose what colour based on outfit and feeling.Is that a good thing or not?

 But I was an angel.

 Apollo stood up, "alright. Now I know you don't have any training, but it's real simple. You and I must take out that thing." He points out the window. I stand up and look to see his gaze. A tall, slender man with icy blue hair and dark black cold eyes

 "And just how do we take this thing out now?"

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