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"Nggh, it can't be morning already," I moaned as I rolled over in bed to see my clock. It was only 4:08 in the morning. Still dark, and still too early. I rolled over again and created a little ball of light to test my powers. I had just enough now for all my abilities to start working again. "Well, I'm up so I might as well check on Apollo," I sighed as I swung my legs out of bed and started to walk out of my room. I made it as far as the top of the stairwell before I felt it.

There was a sun.

I quickened my pace down the stairs, "Apollo, Apollo, Apollo," I repeated his name over and over in a hushed tone while trying not to fall down the stairs. I ended up tripping at the bottom and fell on my face. My wings created themselves and fell on top of me. They were eating up my limited power. I didn't even create them intentionally."Oww..." I mumbled in the dark. I didn't turn on the lights. Instead I just fumbled to my feet and hobbled to his room. I threw open the door and almost fell back on my face, "Apollo! Wake up already!" I dragged him out of bed and onto the floor before he woke up, "Len...what's...""Can you feel it Apollo?" I asked him."Feel what? Geeze Lenn you know it's only four in the morning?"

"The sun, Apollo. Can you feel it?" I shivered and held my arms, " hurts."

Apollo closed his eyes for a few moments and let out a sigh. He seemed to not react whatsoever for a few seconds which seemed like a few years, until he sprang up to his feet. "It's the third sun, Lenn." He commented. He took my hands in his, "but we have no power at all to fight it." His voice was somber and he couldn't even look me in the eyes. He just looked down to his feet, "we're absolutely powerless."

"There has to be something we can do..." I trailed off as the presence vanished. The sun had been slain, just like that.

Apollo noticed this as well, "Do you think Lilac..."

"I don't know, I really don't." I responded.

"I'm positive, she's the only one with the guts to take that on, she must've done it since she knew we were weakened." Apollo was more confident than I was.

Until the phone rang.

I looked to Apollo, "who's calling?"

"You better get back up stairs before someone notices."

I nodded, "right, but who is it?" I looked to the caller ID on the phone in the next room. I didn't recognize the number.

"I don't know but your parents might."

"Right," I nodded and headed up the stairs as the phone rang. I quickly ran to my room and threw on a robe over my pajamas and my wings. Then I walked up to the living room where my father stood on the phone listening.

"Uh-huh, yes I understand. No, everyone's asleep." He was quiet for a moment, "Yes, I can wake everyone. You'll be here when? Alright, and who is all coming? Yes, oh did they meet last night? Oh they have met before on protection detail, alright. I shall wake them all. See you soon, sorry our meeting has to be this way. Yes, I'll turn on the news." My father hung up the phone somberly and didn't speak a word while he picked up the remote for the tv.

It took me a moment, but I finally was able to ask, "who was that on the phone?"

"You'll see in a few minutes. Go wake your sister and Apollo. Tell them to come here. Have you met Apollo's servants Lilac, Nuwa, and Yumeo before?"

I nodded honestly answering the question from the information that I had heard my father say while he was on the phone, "yes. We've met before."

"Good, they'll be coming here soon."

"Why?" I asked while my father picked up the remote for the tv and turned it on.

He hesitated for a moment before he sighed, "you'll find out soon enough."

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