Carried Away

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Apollo and I shared a few worried looks before I was finally able to make out words. "What are we gonna do?" I paniced. There was no way out. I had to blow my cover. The fifth sun was here. And he had Tristinee, of corse. Why did she get to play the damsel in distress? I'm pretty sure I was in distress more than she was.
Apollo just shook his head and owned up to his actions, "We're just gonna have to do it. There's no other-"
Before Apollo could finish his statement, time froze. I looked to Apollo and shrugged as all four of the banished feathers and handlers were back.
"We were tracking down number five and he lead us back here against our will." Lilac rolled her eyes and sneered. She still didn't like me.
I shook my head back and forth almost violenty, "no, we have to work together now. Tristinee is gone and the fifth sun just happened to show up. I need to protect Tristinee, you need to go fight that sun!"
Nuwa now had her turn to shake her head in disproval, "Lenneth you're too good of a fighter to do that and you know it! I'll go look you need to stay and fight with Apollo. From now on these fights aren't going to get easier but only much much harder. Yumeo and I both don't stand a chance but you do. Lenneth you and Apollo are special. You're both strong and you fight so well together. You may be temporary but Rarely are there feather handler pairs like you and Apollo." The wind was rapidly picking up. I realized I knew next to nothing about the fifth sun.
"She's right, Lenneth we need to move now!" Apollo yanked my wrist as he pulled me to the right rapidly. A palm tree hit the ground where I stood only seconds earlier.
"Alright, now that's not normal even for me. There's no palm trees like that in the northern United States." I crossed my arms. "Alright, we need to do something about this."
"Fire does plenty of damage to earth. Just stay out of our way and leave the last hit to us." Lilac sneered as she transformed into a tiger and lept off into a swell of earth. Karman ran behind her trying to destroy other mounds of earth that started to swell in the distance.
However, Karman only made matters worse for the four of us--or should I say the two of us.
Both Nuwa and Yumeo ran off to find Tristinee while Apollo and I were left at the top of the staircase in front of the school. Apollo and I were now back to back for the earth turned into human sized minions the sun created. They decided it was alright to go all out full movie style on us and surround us. Meanwhile, we were just trying to survive and think of a plan.
"Ready to do this?" Apollo asked me through shouting.
I nodded, "As ready as I'll ever be."
Apollo grasped my right hand in his left as he drew from my powers to create his wings. When he did I was able to create my own at the same time. They started both aligned fully out down to our sides as we both raised them simultaneously until the tips were raised facing the sky. Apollo was forcing my feather abilities to activate themselves on me. After a while of this I knew it was going to get quite old quite fast.

Yet the deal was if I didn't become his weapon of choice I probably wouldn't be here today considering how nasty these suns can be.

"Where is the sun? I can feel him but I don't see him!" I shout as I propel myself into the air. I dry my light tears. Tristinee was out here somewhere. She had to be okay. She just had to be.
I kept my glance at the ground. The fifth sun was earth so she had to be buried somewhere.
But I was wrong. Really really wrong.
A huge hurricane or tornado-or something ripped through the school yard tossing Lilac into me. I was tossed then into the ground.
"Eww get off me! Lilac squealed as she stood up, "Tame your feather Apollo. She doesn't remember the most important rule of battle: you can't rely or protect anyone but yourself." Lilac sneered at Apollo while she whipped the blood from a cut along the right side of her face. 

As much as I wanted to argue, she was right. The more I worried about Tristinee, the more I'd wind up not concentrating on the fight.
I stopped in place and started to think as I was launched into the air and was suffocated. The fifth sun was not air, he was earth...
That brought me back to the last battle I had. The sixth sun was supposed to be air. He was earth because Liliac was pouncing on the mounds of earth.
The fifth sun was outranked by the sixth.
I managed up the strength to cut through the wind tunnel with my light and fall back to the ground. Apollo assisted in tending to my light injuries as I panted, "Apollo, the fifth and sixth suns traded place. This is the sixth sun. The fifth sun I took out alone because he was loosing power. The fifth sun was easy if I could simply take him out. Apollo something's going on within the suns. They're plotting something if they're trying to confuse us." I coughed a bit as Apollo helped me back to my feet. I fluffed out my wings and created a sword of light. "I never really cared about fighting these beasts. Just thought of it as community service. But this time, it's personal." I saw the area around my feet light up with light. I was turning my emotions into light instentaniously.
Apollo glared past me, "This makes me sick. They don't play a fair game at all." He notices my feet were a bright light, "just keep creating the light. You're creating enough for the both of us."
"Then let's keep this personal." I pushed myself hard off the ground and sprung into the air. That was a big mistake against a sun with the main ability of wind. He tried to suffocate me.
Only I was ready.
The moment he enclosed me I lit myself with my light. I spun my sword around, cutting the air in two. "The more air you gather and the more wind, the more visible the air becomes. And wind always flows away from the source." I folded my wings and did my best to run through the hurricane-like winds. Lilac changed into a tiger and was trying to reach the sun, "This one is mine stay back!"
"Haven't you had enough of this fighting? We're on the same side you could help me!"
"This one and I have some personal details."
"Well I have my personal reasons too! He has my best friend!"
"Well he killed my father and my baby sister!" Lilac sprinted forward as she lept on the huge wind tornado. I just shook my head and blasted a beam of light off in the direction as I pressed on. Apollo soon joined me and grabbed my hand, yanking me forward. Karman was next to him and created a force field around us to block the wind. Someone was finally being a team player.
"I'm going to throw you forward to the sun. You know what to do!" Apollo shouted as he was able to come up behind me and grab my hand. He drew my powers and replaced them with his own. He then created a huge light fluctuation with my ability combined with his own.

I just nodded to Apollo, although I was pretty unsure about what I was going to do. I didn't know how to defeat wind. I only knew how to gather light. 

That's when I freaked, "Apollo what do I do?"

"Play with the light do something--anything! You're strong enough. Just don't let the wind carry you away with it! In the center of every hurricane in a spot of quietness and inner peace. No winds at all!"

I wanted to run away. I was scared now. Never before has anything been this dangerous. 

Well what do you expect, what if a mysterious guy that just became your foster brother almost two months ago told you that you needed to go sit in the center of a hurricane? I'd expect you'd give the same response as I did. 

"Are you crazy?! I could die!"

"Just don't let the winds carry you away!" Apollo kept bending the light, trying to shoot it straight through the hurricane which was now very utterly visible. He still saw the fear in my eyes. I didn't want to play hero quite yet. Not when there was this much at stake. Apollo needed my help with this. This was a nightmare.

That's when Apollo shouted at me, "Tristinee's waiting for you. She's probably in there go get her!"

I was shocked at his words, yet I knew he understood the way I felt. 

He still didn't have Avangeline back yet. 

I shook all my harsh feelings away, "alright, this is the weakest one of the top five that we'll be fighting, I can't run anymore, Apollo whenever you're ready. For Tristinee and Avangeline!" Apollo kept tugging me until Karman's shield stopped moving.

Karman glared at Apollo, "Lilac is in there too. She's gone missing. I don't feel her. This is as far as my shield will go."

"Aren't you going to play the hansom prince and save her?" I raised an eyebrow at Karman.

He just shook his head, "Wind is not my strong point. It'd crush me in an instant. You can surpass it with your light. This is as far as I can protect you. Go get Lilac or I swear if you don't end up dead that you'll be deader than dead when I find you."

Apollo pressed his wrists together and shot a beam of light into the hurricane. It went through the shield, yet the shield still persisted. Apollo's wings shattered and became the light that he was shooting towards the hurricane, "Lenneth, now! Get your feet in my hands so I can throw you!" 

I had no idea what I was doing so I blindly followed Apollo's words for the better or worse. I lept into the air using my wings and I jammed my feet into his hands. As Apollo used all the light and power that he had left in him, he spoke in an auspicious tone, "Good luck Lenneth, you're going to need it. Use my book if all else fails," as he shot me off headfirst into what could possibly be my death. Meanwhile I couldn't help but to look back to see him on the ground, unconscious.

I was on my own for this one.

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