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"You know, I still don't approve of our battle outfits. Shouldn't we be wearing something more protective or something that at least covers us better?" I asked Apollo as I sat across from him in a helicopter. We had already taken a plane from Apollo's Kingdom to the airport closest to my home. This was just more fun. Apollo's kingdom didn't even know he left. He snuck out with me. Cute, I know. Also stupid, I know that as well. Apollo had to sneak out to visit me. Hey, I thought I was the one who was supposed to sneak out, I mean, hello, I'm the commoner. 

Ugh, I still hate royalty. Good thing this was as close as I was getting to royalty. Having one for a best friend, just like my parents before me.

Bleck. I was turning into them, just like Apollo was turning into his father. He didn't look like he was testing me earlier when he said what he had said. I still held it against him, at least for the moment.

Lilac shrugged from where she sat next to me, "Doesn't bother me much."

"Well yeah you're a tiger half the time anyway. You have fur then." I sighed.

Will sat next to Apollo. He just laughed, "it's better than our burgundy outfits. Those ones are worse."

"Are you saying that because they just don't look good on Karman?" Lilac lightly laughed, "they are a little more relieving, but hey, I don't mind. Less stuff to worry about while fighting. You look fine in yours Lenneth. I know you're a straight up tomboy, but hey, good enough for you." I looked my outfit up and down once again. Black combat boots, (which I cleaned in my free time)fish-laced tights, black dress that was short with long sleeves and a sorta low neck, leaving my shoulders exposed yet had thick straps to prevent it from slipping. I had tied my hair back in a headband, a first for me.  

I looked at Lilac, she was a bit more bubbly right now, but perhaps that was her way of defending herself against what was to come. She just didn't want to accept that we were going into a huge fight. I honestly didn't want to accept it myself. "Lenneth, learn to lighten up before battles. Keeping a positive vibe before helps."

"This is my final battle, but thanks for the advice." I smiled lightly.

"Nah, you'd be fine. You can stay with us. You are very knowledgeable about everything and trained."

"But I won't be fighting. Anyways I have made up my mind. I'm going to go home then. You can take my gem for the temple of the fallen. I won't need it after today."

Lilac shook her head, "no, you can keep it. We'll protect you. But do you really want to leave us all behind? Your life before wasn't exactly picture perfect."

I nodded, "It's for the best. You don't need an extra feather. I'm just an extra feather. Only a temporary one, just like the deal we made stated. I guess there's no harm in keeping it. I'll at least have something to remember all of you by."

"Well, Nuwa's going to miss you Lenneth. She looks up to you."

"I look up to her too, but I'm not a good role model. Oh, we're almost there..." I noticed the familiar settings surrounding us. Tristinee's house, the river where I pushed Apollo in, the lake where we kissed--wait.

We kissed before.

My face flushed over a little bit. I had totally forgot about that until now. I hadn't even told anyone about it. I just decided to keep it our little secret and continued to watch out the window. After all, I had kissed a king and here I was just some not-so-average girl. It would take only a miracle to have us become more than just a feather and handler pair.

It was soon after that we landed and met up with the rest of the Feathers and Handlers. Even Apollo's step-mother was there. I knew this was it, the last battle. 

The sky was darkened to an almost pitch black. Darker than night, darker than anything else I've ever seen before. The air stung. It wasn't the same place I knew.

I see a girl run towards us with a man beside her. I was quick to recognize them both. Destiney and Zach. Destiney was decorated in her royalty clothes. Zach looked a little banged up, yet he looked like the typical student I used to be.

That outcast that I used to be. Where I did whatever it took to prove that I was different, unique, and was just as good as everyone else.

Now I don't have much to prove.

"Looks like little miss Angel Mistress made it after all." Zach smirked, "I guess they don't call you angel much anymore."

"I'm just a mistress now. Or I was. After this fight it's all over for me." I gave him a slight smile, "Then you can go back to protecting me while I make snotty comments to you in class."

Zach shook his head at me, "that's not what you want."

"That's what she wants." Nuwa sighed, "believe it or not. She'd give up all of this and all of her friends for it."

I crossed my arms, "I have other friends -- like Vera and Trist -- Yeah, like Vera. But this isn't the time to fight about my life choices. Right now is the time to fight that sun and get back Avangeline. Do we have a known location on the sun?" Yeah, some miracle. It wasn't going to happen.

Apollo pointed to the sky. On the other side of the school by the tennis courts. The Sun was the size of six school buses stacked in two rows of three. It was missing an arm. It was the arm that Apollo and I took. 

"There's a lot of minor suns roaming the school halls trying to take students. I tried to help as much as I could but I knew that you, Apollo would be getting here and you would want to make a plan since suns aren't a vampire's forte."

I looked to Apollo, "I need to clear the school. I know it better than anyone else here."

"But I need you to fight the second sun." Apollo stated.

Tristinee stood next to me, "Lenneth needs to go get the minor ones out of the way. She knows the place better than I do. Leave distractions me. Karman, let's go!" Tristinee and Karman ran off to keep the second sun busy.

"I'll go with them." Lilac offered, "Will you ready?"

Will nodded to her, "Yumeo watch when you freeze time. Make sure I'm not in the continuum this time. A heads up would be nice."

"Of course. Be safe out there." Yumeo reminded the two of them as Lilac and Will both ran to catch up with Karman and Tristinee.

Apollo turned to Fae and Basha, "take your handlers and secure the area, erase the memory of all the people but look out for a seer. And my stepmother, you can go find the seer and make sure that he's alright. Also please take care of the vampires. That is the royal princess."

"Why is she here anyway?" Fae questioned.

"I just so happen to be friends with Lenneth." Destiney commented, "Zach, let's get going."

Basha turned to Shay, "let's get going." They ran off with Juin and Fae right behind them. Zach, Destiney, and Apollo's step-mother ran off in another direction, leaving just Nuwa, Yumeo, Apollo, and I standing outside in the parking lot of my school.

"Well, there's no time to loose. Let's get moving." I stated.

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