The Best Thing (That Never Happened)

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"Good morning Lenneth! Are you excited it's finally the last three days of school?" One of my neighbors asked me as I sat on the curb by my bus stop.

I constantly kept scrolling through my songs on my iPod, "No. We have exams and I don't have Apollo here to take them for me." Because Apollo was 'Shadowing' me during the school day, he wasn't required to take exams, so therefore the lucky handler with a disregard to feelings got to stay home for the next three days and do absolutely positively nothing while I suffered the last bout of my teacher's wrath for the year before I finally was able if I was lucky enough not fail graduated onto the next year of school .

"What's up with your mood?"

"I'm tired and mad." And Apollo wasn't even home today. Lilac was in my house instead. Why? She was complaining that a Karman look-alike was stalking her. Her solution was pinning him down then running since apparently the real Karman and her weren't exactly on speaking terms. They haven't been for months.

So now I had Apollo and Lilac living with me.

Only Apollo and I knew about Lilac though. She pretty much changed her entire appearance and started getting along with us. For what reason, we still have yet to find out.

The only thing that Apollo and I could come up with was her, Karman, and Apollo's father had a falling out. And she wasn't taking it lightly, as she would. 

"Why didn't you sleep more than?" Why didn't I sleep more? I'm glad you asked. That's when I meet with Lilac and Apollo and Nuwa and Yumeo AND Tristinee. What more do you wish to take me from today?

"Studying. I was studying." My stupidly simple answer.

Soon the trance of the school day took over and there I was sitting next to Tristinee in preparation for our exam. She seemed just as tired and irritated as I was, "It's gonna be one long day isn't it?"

"Definitely," I remarked back to her as I changed the charm bracelet into a matching pair of earrings in which I made clamp onto my ears. Little silver books dangled down from my ears. The bracelet gets in the way otherwise when I'm trying to write. It's the simple little things that matter.

"Well look who isn't here to defend you Lenneth." Alyssa stood up in front of my desk, knocking my textbook off of it with a swift hit. 

"Well it looks like my team of assassins have failed me again." I sighed.

"Huh? What was that?"

"Well no one plots total world domination out loud, do they now Alyssa?" I stood up and got into her face, unaware of what I was doing. It all blew by me too quickly. I forgot who I was dealing with. "What do you think I'm planning to do today, because you're just as radiant as the sun: the longer the people stair the faster they go blind."

She sneered back at my witty smirk, "you wouldn't dare."

"Oh I just did. Have you ever wanted to disappear? Wake up one morning and be lost because you can't find anything? But don't worry. The sun is far away from everyone else. You know what that means? You were alone the whole time! Apollo may be named after the sun however you don't know which sun since the sun is a star after all, and there is more than a billion--oh can you even count that high--stars in our galaxy yet alone. At least staring at Apollo doesn't make me go blind, since he lives with me and I won our staring contest at dinner last night. Should I call the doctor for the burns you're giving everyone? We're gonna need a little more than sunscreen today at the beach folks!" Everyone was seeing the scene I was making. 

Alyssa just sneered back at me, "why you...Faith! Do something!"

Faith just shook her head, "this is just too fun to watch, does anyone have some popcorn?"

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