Need You Now

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"Looks like your little Angel is coming to us," Avangeline smirks.

Apollo sits in the corner looking at the wall. He doesn't even bother looking at Avangeline, nor even wants to look at her ever again. "She's not an angel. Len is not coming. You don't even know her so don't even pretend you know her."

"She's smart. Very intelligent and smart. Athletic as well. Just watching the way she's moved in previous fights."

"I told you already. Len is not athletic. She couldn't even make the swim team—which was her best sport. Stop trying to pretend to care when you don't. You don't know her. If you've got a grudge against her for whatever reason, don't use me as your human punching bag. It's not worth it."

Avangeline came up to Apollo getting in his face while she gripped the bars on his cage, "where is it? Where is your spell book? I'll let you go if you would just give me the damn book!"

Apollo sighed, "I don't have. So even if I wanted to give it to you, I couldn't."

"Where is it?!"

"I told you, I don't have it. You'll never find it." He looked away from her face, "Now I know why you didn't bother to look away. Your own minions were causing you damage. You were deeming them unworthy if you could easily slay them. You didn't look away from your own minions. You had no need. That isn't honor. That's the farthest thing from honor and bravery. It's sick."

"Sly dog. But Your 'Guardian Angel' has it." You can't hide anything from me. I know you."

"No you don't. And you'll never ever know Lenneth. You don't deserve to know her."

"It's so cute how you try to keep some morals here now.

Apollo looked her in the eyes and sneered with balled fists, "she is not an angel, nor a feather. Just an idiot." He closed his eyes and thought, and it's that idiot that I love, so she better still hate me enough for leaving her that she'll stay away. It's for her own good, anyway.

Avangeline laughed, "how silly. Love? And such an abomination? You don't remember I can hear your thoughts. My 'special ability' as a feather, I mean sun. I'm just a little rotten sun. Isn't that right?"

Apollo looked Avangeline dead in the eyes now, "She is anything but an abomination. You just wait. You are nothing compared to her and will never, ever come close to being like her."

Apollo's thoughts raced however, I really just need you now, Lenneth...I don't know how much longer I can hold on...I hope you're thinking of this too, it happens all the time to me.


"Hey Len, whatcha' doin'?" Nuwa asked me as I sat at the table in my preparation time. I was flipping through pages of Apollo's book frantically, writing notes on my arm with a purple pen of all colors. I had to study, this was the one test that if I failed, yes it would definitely be the end of the world.

I flipped the page and began speed reading once again, "memorizing as much of Apollo's spell book as I can, copying anything useful on my arm. I didn't know Apollo was—"

"What he was? Well nobody really did Len. What we did know we were sworn to secrecy. Apollo's father didn't want anyone knowing anymore than they already knew. He wanted all of Apollo's special 'talents' to be kept a secret. Trust me, when they came and attacked the manor here, we all thought Apollo was gone just like his six brothers and sisters and his mother. Only Apollo survived though, just because of his secret. This family is terrible. We keeps secrets, we don't tell others what is truly going on. If when the suns attacked us here, we knew what Apollo was, we would've known he was the target and avoided all the destruction around here. Only we didn't know Apollo was the one they were looking for. The was them. It was always them...They came the one night when the head was out. The one night! If they would've came any other night we could've done something! And that's why Avangeline and his current feather were there. His current feather was just his assistant and a helper to the family. She was gone for the night but ran back when she heard the news. I don't know how Avangeline got there so quickly though...she should've been gone, just like the rest of my school. Lilac and Will were out on assignment with Karman following them, you already know Yumeo and I both snuck out that night. The other older feathers and handlers were on assignments. Avangeline was searching for anyone, to make sure she they were all gone. She was a stupid sun the whole time! How come I didn't notice! She wasn't trying to rescue him, if she was a feather after all she would've been gone! Gone!" Nuwa kicked over a chair from around the table. She then shrank to her knees before she fell on the ground, "I should've seen it! I've been with her all along but I never saw it! I didn't notice it ever!"

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