Going Under

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"Shit..." I swear from my spot on the bench where I layed, watching the sky. I watch as the clouds were getting thicker and darker, warning of a storm to come. Our teacher called us all inside. Everyone followed, trying to talk to Apollo. They were so indulged in him, they totally missed the fact that he slipped out and back to the back of the crowd where I was sulking, holding the dandelion I had been messing with. We walked in silence, me sulking in a slow-trance-like drag behind everyone as if I lost.

Apollo looked up to the sky. "The Sun is here, Look," It started to storm. Lightning. Thunder. Heavy rain. He grabbed me and pulled me behind the wall so it looked like everyone went in. The teacher took one last look back out the door and closed it, leaving the two of us locked out of the school when a huge storm was brewing. They are so responsible.

"I feel just dazzled to deal with this right now," I sigh. I take off my jacket and throw it to Apollo, followed by my T-shirt. Just left with two tank tops. I let my wings grow. I then used them to my best ability to shield me from getting any more wet. Apollo throws my clothes under the small bit of shelter from the brewing storm by the door to the gym. There was no need for us to stay dry if we were just going to end up getting drenched at the end of this anyway. That lead us to start walking out into the middle of the practice field. The stadium lay just across the street, no need to bring this there. It wasn’t an arena, nor was I a gladiator; just an ill-prepared spirit without much of a conscious.

Think of this like a game, only what the hell is my level and beating this ‘boss’ won’t help me level up any, I swear. The rain was harsh against my skin, perhaps because it was still early March and yet unusually warm this year. Apollo was the name of the Greek God of the Sun...was there some connection, or just a mere coincidence?

We made it to the center of the field and didn’t speak at all. Perhaps my use of the word dazzled over did it.

"Apollo!" Nuwa ran over to where we stood, drenched in rain. She was drenched too. Yumeo followed her, walking all formal and not caring that he was getting soaked. Her wings were out and she was in the form of her typical age, not younger. She must have carried Yumeo here. Flying while carrying someone...I doubted in my mind that I could ever lift Apollo.

I walk out into the middle of the soccer field, my white wings glistened with the raindrops. Apollo followed with Nuwa. I raise my arm up to the sky and open my wings. I yank my arm down and flap my wings. The storm clouds start to part, however a light drizzle is left. The dark skies turn to the color of dawn. Flowers started to bloom below me. I was using  magic like the first Sun I battled did. It was a simple one to cause a strong wind and another one to bring a light.

"Oh my..." Yumeo eyed my wings. When I flapped them to get all the water off of them; the sunlight I created made them shine like silver. He lost his formality right then.

Apollo had the same look of disbelief.

Then a woman appeared right in front of me with a strike of lightning. I jerked back rather quickly, however somehow I managed to keep my balance when I stumbled backwards, changing my surprised look into my fighting pose.

"Why isn't it little Apollo's new disgrace. Tempermenting with my storms isn't a good idea," she cleared her throat and floated over to me. Her feet didn't touch the ground. She just floated. Air must be a strong power of hers. She lifted my chin to look at me. When she touched me I couldn't move, yet somehow I managed to wince my left eye as she moved my face left and right to examine me as if I was a mere lab rat test subject in utter detail.

Apollo saw that as the perfect distraction to body slam her to the ground. I was unfrozen and I leapt back into the air, somehow managing to keep my balance in the air without a single flight lesson. It must have been the pressure of the dire need to flee in the situation.

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