5. Windows

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I sigh and lay down on my bed. Tonight is the first night in a long time that my parents are sleeping in the same bed.

I smile, the warm summer breeze flowed into my room. The sweet smell of the blooming apple trees in my yard filled my nose.

Tonight was a good night.

I get up from my bed and pull out some pajamas to change into.


My head shoots towards my window. 

What was that?

Goosebumps covered my arms and legs and my stomach started to churn.

I shake the weird feeling off and begin to strip.


I take off my shirt and shorts, throwing them towards my hamper.

I take off my bra and lay it on my desk chair.


I quickly put on my shirt and pajama shorts and walk over to my window.

I stick my head out and look around.


Was it just in my head?

I hear leaves crunch and I quickly turn my head towards the sound.

I see a lanky figure run off into the woods.

I quickly pull my head inside and close my window.

I lock it and back up quickly.

What the fuck was that.

I shake my head and get in my bed, pulling my blankets to my chin.

Maybe I can get some sleep.

3rd person

As soon as Lydia was asleep, the figure came back. 

This time he was in front of her house, reaching for the door knob.

Fear ran through him, his heart was beating out of his chest.

He slowly opened the front door.

It wasn't locked, which was weird.

He walked around her house as quietly as possible, but his boots made it impossible to be completely silent.

He walked around her living room, looking at the small antiques that littered the shelves.

He picked up a small angel and studied it. 

It was wearing a long, white robe. It had a harp in its hands and a small chip in the left arm.

He shoved it into his pocket and kept walking around the living room, eventually heading into the kitchen.

Dishes were on the drying mat, still slightly damp from when they got washed. 

Suddenly, he heard a door open a footsteps getting closer and louder.

He hid in the pantry, being completely silent.

He looked through the slotted doors and saw Crystal.

She grabbed a glass cup and filled it with sweet tea she had made earlier that day.

She leaned against the counter and sipped it slowly, looking around her kitchen.

Her eyes landed on the pantry.

She walked towards it and stood in front of it.

"God, I really have to organize this." She said quietly to herself.

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