12. More than friends

493 5 3

3rd person

Their day at the Quarry was like any other day they had spent there in the past.

Full of splashing each other and stupid games like seeing how long you can hold your breath for.

Or other games like chicken.

The bruises on Lydia's thighs had reappeared, this time they were from Victor.

She never understood why her skin bruised so easily, but in a way it was nice.

The small marks from the boys always made her feel loved and like she fit in.

The bruises on her thighs from Vic and Pat were almost romantic in a way.

Lydia knew they both liked marking what was theirs.

She learned that with Vic very quickly, it was hard to explain the hickeys on her neck after that night, but it would've been harder to explain the 'V' he had left on her.

She just kinda assumed with Patrick though, even though he had evidence of that in pictures that were hung up on his wall in his bedroom.

They were all packing up their things, it was about to rain soon.

Everything and everyone got into the trans am and they headed off into the direction of the clubhouse.

Lydia was tired, and she was laid across the backseat.

Her head was on Vic's lap, and her legs were on Pat's lap.

Vic played with her slightly damp hair the whole way to the clubhouse.

Patrick traced small shapes into her legs, being very gentle with her.

"You okay back there, Lydia?" Reggie asked, looking back at her through the rearview mirror.

"Yeah, I just wanted to lay down for a bit." 

He nodded and turned his attention back to the road.

"We're almost there, Lydia."

She nodded and closed her eyes, slowly falling asleep on Vic and Pat.


They pulled into the clubhouse and they carefully got out of the car, careful not to wake Lydia.

Henry, Vic, and Patrick moved their things inside while Reggie carefully picked up Lydia.

He carried her inside and laid her on her shared bed, covering her up with her favorite blanket.

She shifted in her sleep slightly, mumbling a bit.

Reggie walked out of her room, quietly closing the door on his way out.

"She still asleep?" Henry asked, kicking off his shoes.

"Yeah, she's asleep. Probably not for long though."  He replied, sitting down next to Henry.

"Shit, do we not have water here?" Vic asked from the kitchen, looking through the fridge.

It was stocked with beers, sodas, some food and other stuff, but no water.

"Nah, we haven't had any in a while."

"I thought you did a grocery run, Belch?" 

"I got busy, I'll go later." He said, flipping through a porno mag they had laying on an end table.

Vic nodded and instead grabbed a red solo cup from the counter and filled it with tap water.

Reggie sighs and puts the mag down, standing up.

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