8. Sleepover

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3rd person


"Hey Lyds, I uh, tried to call but no one picked up."

He looked around the room, her sheets were more messed up than usual and so was her hair.

"Did something happen?" He asked, stepping into her room, closing her door behind him.

"No, me and Pat were just hanging out. He was gonna stay over."

"Oh, cool. That's actually what I was calling about, my parents are out of town for the next couple of days and I didn't wanna be alone."

Lydia nodded and looked at Patrick.

"Can he stay?"

"It's your house, you decide."

She looked back at Vic and nodded.

He smiled a toothy grin and set down a small bag he had with him.

"I'll be back, I gotta go do something."

She got up and walked out of her room, leaving the two boys alone.


I walked to my bathroom and shut the door.

I started to inspect my body, looking for any mark Patrick may or may not have left on me earlier.

My lips were slightly swollen and there was small bruises on my thighs, but those were from earlier when we played chicken at the quarry.

I sigh and splash my face with cold water.

3rd person

Back in Lydia's room, Patrick and Vic were talking.

"She knows, Vic."

"What?" Vic got up from her bed where he previously sat, anger flashing in his eyes.

"Sh sh sh, quiet. I.. I didn't mean to, I just didn't know what to say!" Patrick whisper yelled.

Part of that was a lie, he did mean to tell her, just not then.

"What the fuck Pat, it was supposed to be a secret! What will happen if Henry finds out! He's fucking psycho, he'll hurt you, Pat."

Patrick chuckled.

"Yeah, psycho. Do you know who the fuck you're talking to?"

Vic nodded and chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah that was stupid. But still, he can't find out right now. It'll ruin his 'I don't like anyone or anything' persona he's attempting to have."

The door to her room opened and Vic looked over his shoulder to the noise.

"I'm back, sorry."

"You're fine, what should we do?"

"Uhm, movie night?"

They both nodded and made their way to the stairs, racing to see who could get to the couch the fastest.

"First one to the living room gets to pick the movie!" Patrick said, already being ahead of Vic by a few feet.

"No fair, you already have a head start!"

"Get better loser!"

"That makes no fucking sense, Pat."

Lydia laughs at the two arguing and grabs some blankets from her closet.


I walk downstairs, three blankets in my arms.

"Fucking, move over!"

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