9. Missed calls

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3rd person

The end credits for the third Halloween movie started rolling and Lydia sighed.

"That's the worst movie in the whole franchise, I can't believe people thought it was good enough to even put out for the public to see!" 

She got up to take the VHS tape out of the player when the phone in the kitchen started to ring.

"Who keeps calling? That's like the third call in five minutes." Vic said, looking at the phone hanging on the receiver on the kitchen wall.

"I don't know, but I'm about to chew their ass out, It's too fucking late for this." 

Lydia walked into the kitchen and over to the phone, answering it."

"Hello?" She said in an annoyed tone, her fingers picking at the ugly, yellow, peeling wallpaper on the walls.

"Lydia? Finally, I've been calling for the past five minutes. Thought you were dead."

"Henry? Why are you calling? It's almost two thirty."

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Listen, can I stay over at yours tonight? Me and my old man got into it again and he's not happy with me."

She glanced at the two boys who had followed her into the kitchen and gave them a look.

They both nodded.

"Yeah, of course. Just know, Patrick and Vic are also here."

"Oh, cool. I'll be over in a bit." 

She heard shuffling and then a click, signaling that he had hung up.

She hung the phone back up on the wall.

"Go clean up the living room, he'll be over here in a bit."

"Why do we have to clean?" Patrick said in a whiney, annoying voice.

"Because I'm being nice and letting you two stay, now go." She said, shooing them off.


I walk down the street, the smoke from my cigarette disappearing into the warm summer air.

The street lights were all either broken or turned off.

I get to her driveway and stop, throwing my cigarette butt on the ground and stomping on it before walking up to her front door.

I knock softly, not wanting to wake anyone up.

A couple of seconds went by and I went to knock again, but before I could, she answered.

Her hair was messy and she had on a pair of short pajama shorts, along with a tight tank top.

"Come in, Hen, the other two are in the living room cleaning up."

She moves out of the way and lets me in.

I hate to admit it, but the nickname made me blush and feel a small tingle go up my spine.

I walk inside and kick my shoes off at the door, not wanting to trek any dirt around the house.

The front door shut behind me as I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Henry, glad you're here." Vic said, holding out his hand for a bro-hug.

I accept and pat his back.

"Yeah, I am too."

"Why are you here? Something happen with your old man?" Patrick asked, looking in my eyes.

I simply nod and walk over to the fridge, grabbing a beer and opening it. 

I lean against the kitchen counter.

"You two want something to drink?" Lydia asked, opening the fridge.

"Well shit, nevermind. There's nothing in here anymore, which means I'm gonna have to go down to the creepy ass basement to get drinks."

She sighed and closed the fridge, grabbing my arm and pulling me through the kitchen.

"And you're coming with me since you got the last drink!"

"No fair!"

3rd person

Lydia and Henry walked to the door that led to the basement, both hesitant to open it.

"You go first."

"Fuck that shit, this ain't my house."

Lydia rolled her eyes and opened the door.

"Where's the light switch?"

"At the bottom of the stairs."

"Fuck that-"

Before Henry could walk away, Lydia pushed him slightly, making him go down the stairs ahead of her.

"Oh fuck you."

Lydia snickered to herself, holding back a smart remark.

'Yeah, you want to' she thought.

Henry cautiously walked down the stairs, finally reaching the bottom and turning on the light,

The room illuminated to reveal a cool hang out area that hasn't been used in years.

"Holy shit, why haven't you told us about this?"

"Because It's old and dirty, and I sure as hell ain't cleaning it by myself."

Lydia walked ahead of Henry and over to the drinks, bending down in front of him to get them.

He bit his lip and looked her up and down.

"Well don't just stand there, help me carry up stuff, Bowers." She said, standing up and turning around.

She started walking upstairs, leaving him downstairs.

"Fuckin' tease." He said under his breath, grabbing two cases of beer and following her upstairs.

He flipped off the light on his way up.

He shut the door and walked over to the kitchen, putting the cases of beer on the counter.

"So, what should do?" Lydia asked, putting away drinks in the fridge.


"Shut up Patrick." Vic said, punching Patrick in his arm.

Lydia chuckled at the two boys.

"Where are we all gonna sleep?" Henry asked.

"My room, we have an air mattress, two can sleep there, and someone can sleep with me."

The three boys shared glances.

"Not like that, danm. Get your minds out of the gutter." Lydia laughed, closing the fridge.

She wouldn't admit it, but her mind went there too.

She also wouldn't admit that she didn't really mind that, either. 


Heyy, sorry it's such a short chapter but i've kinda hit a block with writing. Hope y'all can forgive me. Speaking of writing though, I kinda wanna start writing another book that's based off of me and a kinda like, situationship I have going on rn-

Idk, seems a lil random but it also seems like fun.

Anyways, I love you guys and thank you so much for reading, it really means a lot.

Word count: 923 words

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