Chapter 8

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So here you go. I am sorry I have not uploaded lately. I have been going though some rough times and needed a break from everything. The chapter if pretty unhappy so if you can't read parts just skip them. Thank you guys for staying with me. Please vote, comment, and fan me if you haven't.


Chapter 8

Violet Pov

"So, where do you guys want to go?" I spoke trying to break the uncomfortable silence.

"We can go to your house." Anna suggested.

I nodded and we all started walking to my car. The drive was quiet, and when we walked into my house we all took a seat on the couch. It was time. I would be telling Anna and Josh, the darkest part of my life.

"So, I don't know where to start."

"I heard the beginning was always a good place." Josh commented.

"Ok let's start at the beginning. I was always left out. It didn't matter what it was, no one wanted

to be seen with me. My older brother was always there for me though. He was the one that

helped me and made everything better. He was only eight years older, but he treated me like I was his age.

"I suffered a lot with low self cofidence. I would work really hard at school but, when it was time

to show it I could see all the things I could have done or things that look bad. I still got really go grades but, never really thought I deserved them.

"At one point in my life a girl that was always in my class, decided that it would be fun to make

fun of me. Comment on every wrong thing I have done or what I will do wrong. She would alway criticized how I looked. She called me ugly and stupid ever chance she got. I think some where ever one got afraid she would pick on them to or, they just didn't like me because they all

laughter along and made fun of me as well.

"My brother never knew about this. I was afraid that if I involved him to he would be in the same place as me. He was popular, played sports, got all the girls he wanted. They seemed to all egnore he was an orphan. Though they knew I was."

"Wait you are a orphan?" Anna muttered shocked.

"Yes, I just little, the only family I have left is Brandon."

"What happened to you parents?" Josh busted out, "sorry I was just curious."

"That is ok. I never really new my parents. I was only three when they died. One day they went on a date like they usally did. On the way home they got hit by a drunk driver. When the ambulance found them they were already dead. Brandon told me about them. He said they were great, spoiled him rotten.

"I never got any of that though. I didn't even know what kind of people they were. Though Brandon told me I still felt really lost when it came to them. Of course though people found that as a

chance to find there inner bully. At one point it got really bad. Before I took everything they said and did as a test. I was just being tested to see how string I was, so I never took any of it seriously. Then, I started to believe them. I was useless. I didn't belong. I deserved all the bullying. Though now I know, it was just then. I started to believe them.

"I got to the point when I believed every word. I was also really wanted to end it all. I wanted to die. Nothing was going to get better, might as well end it. If it was not bad enough that was theyear Brandon left. He turned 18. He was aloud to leave. I was so happy he would take me out of the orphanage. He would put me in another school and my life would be better.

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