Chapter 4

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So this is my new chapter. Sorry for taking so long. I am hoping to get the next one done soon.  


Chapter 4

Violet's Pov

That Mr Anderson is the worst person to run the orphanage. He says I still have to wait. He bumped me up on the list at least. I just can't believe him! I go into his office and he tells me that I have to stop bothering him about adopting faster because they have "rules." Rules whatever, more like he is just lazy.

I was having a really good day today and he has to come and wreak it. Today we went to Wal-Mart. I know you are thinking "you took them to Wal-Mart? That is so lame." Well for your information we had the time of our lives.

"We should find a list online, and we could do everything on the list." exclaimed an excited Anna.

"Yeah, today is going to be so much fun!" yelled Josh.

Going online we found a list of 10 things to do at Wal-Mart.

1.Ride those little electronic cars at the front of the store.

2.Set all the alarm clocks to go off at one minute intervals throughout the day.

3.Walk up to an employee and tell him in an official tone, "I think we've got a Code 3 in House ware," and see what happens.

4.Play Marco Polo.

5.Play with the automatic doors.

6.Leave small sacrifices or gifts in the hands of the mannequins.

7.While walking around alone, pretend someone is with you and get into a very serious conversation.

8.Ride a display bicycle through the store; claim to be a "test driver."

9.Play a game of indoor freeze tag.

10.Run around the entrance screaming "the British are coming."

Walking into Wal-Mart with a to do list and $50 in hand, I thought we would need money to pay for all the stuff we are going to brake.

Two hour later we had the list complete. Everything on it was done and we had so much fun. When we were driving the electric cars we almost knocked a mannequin over. When we said we think that there is a code three in the house ware department it was like world war three.

The best part was setting the alarms off. People where complaining the whole time we were there that the alarms where going off all the time. After a while the manger and some of the worker shut them all off, but it was still hilarious at the time it lasted.

"So do you guys want to go back to the orphanage now? We still have time before you have to go back, but you can stay if you want." I hinted heavily on staying.

"No, we can stay. We don't want to go back." replied Josh.

"Well we can go to the park. We can find a list of things to do at the park or something like that." I proclaimed.

"Oh my gosh I have always wanted to go to that park by the river. Can we go there?" exclaimed Anna.

On the way back to my house we rocked out to the tone of Maroon 5. Getting to my house we ran inside and raced to the computer. We went to Google search.

"Type how to freak people out" Josh told Anna.

Typing "how to freak people out" we found this one list that caught our eyes. "10 ways to freak out strangers at the park." It was perfect.  

"It is perfect." Josh muttered as though if he spoke it any louder it would disappear.

Printing the list out I went to go get it when I picked it up I started to read what it had said,

1.Hide behind trees and jump out on people.

2.Take branches from trees and pretend to be a tree.

3.Start to jog with random people.

4.If there is a bridge hide behind it and pretend to be a troll.

5.Go around just asking people random questions.

6.Have a shoe box with R.I.P. on it and have a funeral.

7.Play on the playground like a little kid.

8.Sit in middle of the sidewalk.

9.Stalk random people.

10.Pretend to see invisible squirrels.

"Wow you guys this is going to be great." I announced.

Going to the park was quick. I lived right on the river so it was only a 10 minute ride. When we were going to the park we started to work on the list. The first thing we did was the funeral. It was funny a guy came up and told us about how he did the same with his turtle here.

"Who is funeral for?"

We ended up telling him we had a pet rock named monkey. We were giving him a walk and he wondered off on the road and a tow truck ran him over. It was funny to see the look on his face he looked confused and sad all at the same time.

"Well I hope you get better soon." He whispered while walking away.

Within an hour we had almost everything done on the list. All we had to do was pretend to be trees. We grabbed some branches off of the ground.

"Ok, so just stay still. If someone tries to give up money grab it out of their hands and we all run. Got it." I explained.

"Yup." They responded in unison.

10 minutes later we had had $1. It was funny. The person came up to Anna and went to put the money on the ground and she grabbed it out of his hand and ran for the hills yelling at the top of her lounges "I got it! I got it!"

I look at my watch and see I had to bring them back now. It was such a shame, we were having so much fun! I hate seeing their sad faces when I tell them it is time to go back.

Now I am back in the present time, driving away from the orphanage yet again with no Anna or Josh thinking this evening could not get any worse. Though again fate seems to destroy me a little bit more, by who is at my house again? To answer, the person I hate the most, Brandon.

"Didn't I tell you last time if you came back I would call the cops?" I holler at him. He just pisses me off by just his presents.

"Violet please, we have to talk. I know you are trying to adopt a girl and a boy."

"How in the world did you find out about that? And do you think that it is alright for you to come here tell me all the things you found out about me? You left me, you never came back! I hate you and you are no longer my brother! So stay out of my life!" It felt good to get that all off my chest, but I felt kind of bad after I was done by the hurt look on Brandon's face.

"Violet I am trying to help you. The person owning the orphanage won't let you adopt yet right. It is because you are single. It is hard for a single person to adopt one child. I would imagine it even harder to adopt two." Brandon disclosed.


I hope you liked it. And I wonder what Brandon is going to do????!!!!??!!?!!?!?!?!

The Woman that CaredOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora