Chapter 3

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So here is the next chapter. I know you are all dying to find out who is at the door. There is also a picture of Anna is the side.

So here is it, enjoy.


Violet's POV 

Driving to the orphanage, I can't stop but think about what happened last night. I could have lived the rest of my life without seeing his face again. URGGG.  

  When I get to the orphanage I see Anna and Josh waiting outside. Just seeing their excited faces makes me forget all that happened last night. 

"Hi guys, do you know what you want to do today?" I had an idea in mind, but I don't know if they would like it.  

"Well... I got to pick last time so Anna came pick this time. Even though she didn't come last time, but she is this time. She could have come last time, but she didn't so..."  

"Ok stop talking so I can think." Anna interupted Josh.  

Josh clearly blushing. I almost started cooing about how cute they were when Anna picked what she wanted to do.  

"Can we go to your house and bake something?" Anna's excited face made the session clear.  

"Ok, my house here we come." I shouted goofily.  

On the ride there we talked about anything that came up. We were in tears as we pulled up to my house from laughing so much.  


My house was not big, not at all. The amazing part to it is that it is the yard around it. I live out of town with no one mile around me. The ground is all natural. I don't do anything to it. My favourite part is the small river going though it.  

I had my house made so it is over the river. The group in the kitchen is all the clear, so you can see the river and natural ground.  

 "This is my house." I explained jumping out of the car, with Anna and Josh just behind me.  

When we entered the house Anna and Josh were awestruck. They saw the beautiful open floor. It was the kitchen, the dining room, and the living room. It was all one open place. There was just one wall separating the kitchen and living room.  

The living room was the at the front entrance and there were stairs at the far wall with three doors. Bedroom doors.  

"Ok, come on let's get cooking!" I announced. 

Then it struck me I forgot to ask what they wanted to make. "Umm... So what do you guys want to make?"  

They both looked at each other and exclaimed, "Cake!" 

"Ok, that is going to be fun. We can make angel food cake?"  

Anna started jumping up and down yelling, "I love angel food cake!" 

With that we started baking. By the end of the day we made 6 cakes. One we ate, one for Anna, and one for Josh, because she would not share. One for Mr. Andson, and the last two for me.  

When it was time for them to leave we packed their cakes away and I drove them back to the orphanage.  

I felt really bad for just leaving them there. I really wanted to adopt them now that I've met both of them.  

Saying our good byes I told them I would be back tomorrow. When they left I walked into Mr. Anderson's office.  

"Oh my, what is that for?" he asked eyeing up the cake. 

"We baked it for you. The children were so nice to think of making one for you." I don't know if it was clear to him, but I was trying to soften him up. 

"That is very kind of them." All he could do was look at the cake. I was holding back a laugh with everything I had.  

"I was wondering before I leave if maybe I could adopt Anna and Josh tomorrow?" I know I was testing my luck, but I couldn't help it.  

"Miss I already told you. You have to wait until the end of the week," with that I picked up the cake and stated to walk when he yelled, "but it could be a day or two early because the paperwork is getting done quick."  

 You could say I am not a very nice person for doing that to him, but I am aloud to be bad every once on a while.  

Leaving the orphanage was upsetting. I did not think of last night when I was with Anna and Josh. Though as soon as I walked into the front door that is all I could think of.  

 -----------------------------------------------------------------Last night------------------------------------------------------------- 

"Violet, I'm sorry"  

Oh god, what did I do to deserve this. He was standing here at my door. Who, you may ask. Well here sanding at my door is my brother. Brandon.  

"Get out of my house. NOW!" 

I was about to slam the door when he pushed himself inside.  

"Wow, your house is nice. You did well." Did well. Oh my gosh I can't believe this.  

 "Get the HELL out of my house."  

 "Violet, please. I tried, I really did." he pleaded.  

 "Well you sure did not try hard enough. You left me. You turned 18 and left. You did not even try to take me with you. You left my to rot."  

"No, no I did try. They said I was too young and that I had no money. Violet you have to believe me." 

"Do you know how many times I tried to kill myself? They would not leave me alone. I was only 10 and you left. You could have snuck me out, but no you left me." my voice slowly dying.  

"Violet, I am so sorry." he started coming closer to me.  

He wrapped his arms around me ad I gave up. He left. He didn't even try to write or phone.  

"Why didn't you phone?" I asked.  

"I tried. I wrote to you and I phoned. They said you hated me and to stop calling. I was going to get you out of there." 

I don't know why, but I can't find truth in his words. I wanted him gone. He left me. He left me in the orphanage my whole life. Mom and Dad died when I was just a baby and he was 9. I pushed him off me.  

"Get out of my house or I WILL call the cops." I demanded.  


"NOW!" I yelled.  

I could not take this any more. I had to adopt Anna and Josh. They would not have the childhood I had.


So I hope you liked it. Please vote, coment, fan, anything you want. I would like to tell you that who ever is reading this book are the best people in the world and I love you all for reading.



I LOST THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tee Hee

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