Chapter 1

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So this is it. I hope you like it. It is not edited. If someone is willing to edit my chapters message me. I am also looking for a better cover page so if you want to make one please send one to me. So here we go. enjoy! 


Violet's POV 

I can't believe I am here.  

I am standing in the orphanage looking at Josh. A 15 year old boy. I didn't want to be alone any more. So what if I am only 28. No one should be alone. What better way than children. I wanted the oldest child in the orphanage because they were there the longest. I just didn't like that someone might spend their whole life in there.  

Josh was taller than me about a foot or so. Josh wad not muscular he was quit skinny. He still looked healthy. He was just not muscular. He had almost black hair that was cut in an emo type style. Josh also had very man like features. He had a strong jaw line and if you looked at him not knowing his age you might think he was an adult. His eyes were bright blue. I haven't seen that bright since Brandon.  

"Hi, I am Violet." I introduced myself.  

"I'm Josh. So, what are we doing today?" Josh wondered puzzled.  

"Well I came to visit you. I was thinking we could do something you like to do today." I responded. 

"Um, do you think we could, um go to the well, the dinosaur museum? Only if it is alright with..."Not able to finish I cut him off.  

"That is the perfect thing to do." With that we left the orphanage.  

When we got to the museums Josh's eyes lit up like Christmas trees. The whole time he was telling me about the dinosaurs we saw. He even told me about how he wants to study dinosaurs when he grows up.  

"The only problem is that I don't have money for college. I would have to work for a long time to go." Josh whimpered.  

I felt so bad for him and knew then that I wanted to adopt him. The only thing stopping me was the fact that he might have sibling or friends in the orphanage he might not want to leave. So I just decided to ask him.  

"Do you have any sibling in the orphanage?"  

"No, I am an only child." he answered back.  

"What about friends?"  

"Well there is my best friend, Anna. She is the same age as me. She got to the orphanage just after I did." Josh Wes sparkled when he talked about her. The way he talked about showed how much he cared about her.  

When I said Josh talking about Anna I mean he talked. The whole time was now about Anna. I learned that Anna was shorter than me by an inch or so. She also had the blonde hair like me but it was darker by a few shades. I last thing Josh told me before we got back to the orphanage was that Anna wanted to be a designer when she grew up, but had the same problem of having no money.  

Knowing that he was friends with her I wanted to adopt her too. She would be good company for him and also I always wanted to have a daughter.  

"So when I come back tomorrow, I was thinking maybe, Anna could come with us for..."  

"That would be fantastic. Thank you so much." he finished with giving me a hug. 

"I will see you tomorrow." I hollered as he walked away.  

"Ok see you soon." he yelled back smiling.  

I walked into the office. Mr. Anderson an old man that ran the place smiled at me. He was in his late 60's. He had grey hair, and cut short.  

"So how long will it be until the paper works are ready?" I impatiently waited to adopt.  

"Well Miss it was be three days for Josh and two more for Anna." Mr. Anderson explained.  

"That's five days," I was fuming, "it should not take that long!" 

"Miss please calm down. It take a day for the background check and three days for the paper work, but we have to give the children a day to say good bye and pack."  

"Well they can come with me the day they get pack and are ready to go." I was not willing to give up.  

"It is the restrictions Miss. So by the end of the week you can have them. Now will you be coming back tomorrow?" Mr. Anderson checking again, to see if I was coming back tomorrow. 

"Yes, I will be here by 9 o'clock." I answered for the hundredth time. With that I left.  

When I got home I started setting up the rooms I had and making accounts so they could go to college. Man was I exited. This week is going to have to go by fast.  

As soon as I was done there was a knock at the door. I hustled to the door and when I opened it was the last person I wanted to see.  

"Violet, I'm sorry."  

Oh god, want did I do to deserve this.


I hope you liked it. This is my first chapter of my first story. So i am very nevous. It is 2 and a half pages on microsoft office. I don't know how long that is on wattpad. Please comment and vote. I love you for just reading this. I don't Know when my next chapter will be up, but i am hoping soon.



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