Chapter 2

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Ok so here is the next chapter I hope you enjoy!!!!! Picture of Josh is on the side.-------------------->


Josh's POV

"Josh you have a visitor."

Oh great someone to say they want to adopt me and then just leave. I walked out and followed one of the teachers. I don't have school, but the people that are around here are our teachers.

When I came out there was a lady. She was shorter than me and had really long blonde hair. She was slim. She didn't even look that old. The thing that popped out the most was her bright violet eyes. The odd thing was she seemed different from the other people that came to visit.

"Hi, I'm Violet." she spoke.

'I see why she is called Violet' I thought to myself.

"I'm Josh. So, what are we doing today?" I wondered, not knowing what else to do.

"Well I came to visit you. I was thinking we could do something you like to do today."

I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I was just was worried that she would get mad. "Um, do you think we could, um go to the well, the dinosaur museum?" I had seen the confusion on her face so I quickly added, "Only if it is alright with..."

"That is the perfect thing to do." She responded, cutting me off.

When we got to the museum I was so excited. I had read about dinosaurs, but never seen them before. Not able to keep my mouth shut, I was telling Violet all about the dinosaurs. I told her I wanted to study dinosaurs when I grow up.

I even told her about how I had no money to go to college. I did not tell her to guilt trip her. It just slipped out. The look in her eyes when I said it was heart breaking. She looked so pained that I couldn't do what I wanted when I was old enough.

"Do you have any siblings in the orphanage?" she asked, cutting me out of my train of thought.

"No, I am an only child." The words almost pained me. My mother died at giving birth to me.

"What about friends?"

Anna. Just thinking about her made my heart skip a beat. "Well there is my best friend Anna," how I wish I was more,"She is the same age as me. She got to the orphanage just after I did."

When I started talking about Anna, I just could not stop. There is so much about her. I want everything she thinks, wants, or dreams to come true. She has the same money problem about me. I told Violet everything about her that I knew.

"So, when I come back tomorrow, I was thinking maybe Anna could come with us for..." cutting her off from finishing the sentence. It would be even better if Anna came.

"That would be fantastic. Thank you so much." I could not wait. I am pretty sure she could hear the excitement in my voice.

"I will see you tomorrow." She yelled as I walked away.

"Ok see you soon." I raised my voice so she could hear me.

When I got to the rooms I ran to Anna's bed and found her sketching something. "Anna, guess what."

"Um, a mob of angry pandas attacked you and you are a spirit that I can only see." Anna's voice covered in sarcasm.


"You found a toothbrush that makes you wishes come true, and you are now going to live some billionaire. Only you don't want to live without me you amazingly awesome friend. So you asked him if I could come too."

"No, But it is close enough. You are coming with me tomorrow with Violet." When I finished Anna's face dropped. I thought she would be excited.

"Josh, I don't know. What if we get attached to her and then she just leaves like everyone else?" Concern was written all over Anna's face.

"Anna, please. I know this is hard for you, but she is different. You can tell by the way she looks. Please Anna I really want you to come." I begged with everything I had. I even thought the puppy dog eyes at the end.

"Fine, but if this turns out bad I am blaming it on you. Now can you stop giving me the puppy dog eyes? You know I am a sucker for them." I smiled at my small victory.

I told Anna everything I knew about Violet to her. "She is shorter than me and had really long blonde hair. She is slim. She didn't look that old. She looked 26 at the most. The thing that stood out the most was her bright violet eyes." I explained to Anna.

"Oh, so her name matches her eye colour. How tacky." Anna sounded jealous of Violet, but I just shrugged it off.

With Anna there tomorrow, I am going to have so much fun. This is going to be amazing. I could not wait until tomorrow.


I hope you enjoyed it. I bet you are all wondering who is at the door still. Don't hate me the anwser will come!! mowahahahhaahaaahahhaahhaaaaahhahhahhahhahhahaaahhahhhaaaaahhhaaaaaaha. *cough, cough* hair ball.

tee hee


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