Chapter 7

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Ok Sorry for the wait. i am very sorry. I hope you guys like this chapter I have the next chapter all planned out so I hope you guys like.


Chapter 7

Josh Pov

I am so done with Violet, and Anna. Violet has not come to visit it us still. It is only three days, but still, I wish she would come and visit us. Oh and then there is Anna, she keeps telling me that Violet will come back and that she does care, but I am still tired of people telling me what to think, and leave me.

I just hate to be left again. I never really cared for any of the people that visited, but Violet, she was different. She had this warmth to her. She felt like living love. She is a living heart. What seems like the only woman that cared.

I am walking down the halls of the orphanage when I hear a noise. The orphanage is usually very quiet. So I turn around and see Anna, I role my eyes then start walking away again, when the soft word float in the air to my ears.

“Josh, I’m sorry.”

“Oh, how nice of you to drop by,” I mumble, “it must have been so hard to take the time away from your oh so busy f...”

“Josh, she came to say sorry. She has been having problems with her brother.” Anna interrupted me.

“So you came to talk about your problems with us. Well then you can go take your drama bomb somewhere else.” My mouth answering before I can even think about being sorry for her.

“Josh, I would have come and visit you guys, I know it was horrible of me to not come and as least explain it to you guys, but there was a lot going on and I didn’t want you guys dealing with my problems as well as yours. Now I know you are mad, but I think it is time that I tell you guys my story.” Violet reasoned.

Anna Pov

Josh has been acting really weird today. When I went to see him in ‘his’ room, he was not there. I started walking down the hall to look for him. He has just been so anger lately. He keeps saying Violet won’t come back that she has forgotten about us. I know she hasn’t, she really did care for us.


I turned around and started running. She was here! She came back!

“You came back. You didn’t leave us. Josh keeps saying that you don’t care anymore and that you won’t come back, but you did.” My voice decreasing with every word.

When I was right in front of her I gave her a huge hug. I missed her so much I can’t explain. My heart was filled with joy.

“Anna I would never leave you guys, I have just been having some problems with my brother.” Violet explained.

“What do you mean? I thought he left you A long time ago?” my brain was all jumbled up; I was so confused I felt like I didn’t know what’s up and down.

“I will explain later, First we need to go find Josh.”

“I think I know where he is. “ I murmured.

“Ok so let’s go find him.”

We were walking down that hall looking for Josh. When that boy wants to hide and not be found he is not found. I turn the corner and see him. So I pull Violet out just in time as he just turned around.

“Josh, I’m sorry.” Violets voice filled with sorrow and hurt.

“Oh, how nice of you to drop by,” I mumble, “it must have been so hard to take the time away from your oh so busy f...”

“Josh, she came to say sorry. She has been having problems with her brother.” I interrupted him. I know he is mad, but he also missed her though he is not good at showing it.

“So you came to talk about your problems with us. Well then you can go take your drama bomb somewhere else.” My mouth dropped. I never thought Josh would for one say something so rude, and second he said drama bomb, I have never heard him say anything like that before.

“Josh, I would have come and visit you guys, I know it was horrible of me to not come and as least explain it to you guys, but there was a lot going on and I didn’t want you guys dealing with my problems as well as yours. Now I know you are mad, but I think it is time that I tell you guys my story.” Violet stopping all the fighting. All the tension in the air was now gone. And we were about to hear Violets troubles and sorrows.


Ok so hope you guys like it... again! plz commet, vote anything you please. It you guy habew any question or sugestions plz let me know I am open to anything. Also i hope you guys had a amazing mew year!!! 



Ps go to red roseofdark and read her book!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she is a amazing person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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