Chapter 9

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Sorry it has taken so long I will try to be better this time.


Chapter 9

Josh's Pov

I sat there shocked. I can't believe Violet is still alive. I can't believe I she is still smiling. Then like a crashing wave the realization hit me. I was going to be adopted. Anna is going to be adopted. We were going to have a home,our own bed, a family. I felt like a tsunami everything came crashing in. My mind was a tornado, all my thought and feelings spinning around and crashing together. I felt excited, scared, and still a little angry.

I didn't understand it. My heart was excited but my thoughts were still mad. I felt like screaming and making Violet pay, but I also wanted to hug her. Sitting there in silence the world seemed to stop. Everything paused and I had all the time in the world to think.

As I think my mind wanders to what Violet told us about her past. Her brother sounded like a really jerk. He just left her and she had to go through everything on her own. And she felt like her life was so worthless that she wanted to die. And she tried and almost did. I know I have been upset but never to the point where I wanted to die. I could not imagine what that would feel like.

My thought were interrupted by a manly voice, "Is it true?" Violets face went blank. Her whole face looking like she was at that moment was going to die.

Anna's Pov

My brain stopped working. I felt as though I could not move I was in so much shock. My mind ran through everything we were told. I was excited because we were getting adopted but i was sad for Violet's past. I was confuzzled. I was happy and sad all at the same time. I thought it was not possible they were totally opposite.

I wanted to cry and scream all at the same time. I sat frozen while trying to process it all. The fact that I was getting adopted and that I could have a real life. But I was also pulled into thinking about Violet. How she had to go through so much all by herself. I had hard times too but i had Josh. She had no one.

Never in a million year had I thought that Violet would be so sad at anytime. That she would hate herself and want to die so much she actually did it. I have always wanted to change at least one thing about myself but never to the point where I wanted to die.

"Is it true?" I heard a manly voice say. I looked at Violet. Her face dropped and she was silent. Something was wrong and we were about to find out what it is.

Mystery Pov

I was so mad. How could I let this happen to her. I had to make it right. I had to let her know everything. Even if I have to lose her. She has the right to know now.

God! I feel horrible.


Hope you guys liked it more will be up soon!!!

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