Chapter 1: The Call of Nibiru

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The command bridge of the Eridu space station was immersed in a soft twilight, punctuated by the flickering light of control panels. The air held a constant hum, echoing the rhythm of the machines that kept the station at the heart of space. The five crew members, clad in dark uniforms adorned with silver star badges, were engrossed in their routine activities.

Captain Enki stood before the expansive panoramic window that stretched the length of the bridge, gazing at the distant stars as if awaiting some cosmic signal. His expression was serene, but his eyes revealed deep concentration. Beside him, Inanna was engrossed in her communications station, her agile hands dancing over the controls as she monitored interplanetary transmissions.

Ninurta and Nammu stood side by side, focused on their respective navigation and monitoring consoles. Ninurta, with his dark hair and piercing eyes, deftly keyed in travel coordinates, keeping the station on its steady course. Nammu, with silver hair and impeccable posture, concentrated on the sensor data flowing across his monitors.

At the far end of the room, Dumuzi worked at the tactical console, his agile fingers gliding over the holographic interface. His eyes, however, frequently turned toward Inanna, a mix of admiration and discomfort evident in his gaze.

As the routine carried on, an audible signal resonated throughout the bridge. The five crew members exchanged surprised glances. Inanna was the first to react, leaning forward and studying the screen before her intently. She then looked to Captain Enki.

— Captain, we've received a transmission from an unknown coordinate. It appears to be an encoded signal, highly encrypted — reported Inanna.

Enki turned slowly, his eyes meeting Inanna's.

— Decode the signal, Inanna. Let's see what it's about.

As Inanna worked to decipher the transmission, an aura of tension filled the room. Ninurta and Nammu exchanged looks, sharing silent concerns. Dumuzi, on the other hand, appeared intrigued, leaning in for a better view of what was happening at the communications station.

Finally, Inanna managed to open the transmission and projected it onto the bridge's monitors. A pattern of dots and lines danced across the screens, representing the message of unknown origin.

— What do you think this is, Captain? — asked Ninurta, his voice laden with anticipation.

Enki studied the message for a moment, his eyes narrowing in contemplation.

— This is something I've never seen before. A deep space coordinate, an invitation or perhaps a challenge. We must investigate.

Dumuzi furrowed his brow.

— Investigate? Captain, this could be a trap. We know nothing about the source of this transmission.

Nammu nodded.

— Dumuzi is right. We should exercise caution.

Enki looked from one to the other, sensing the mounting tensions.

— I understand your concerns. But we also can't ignore this. We will exhaust all resources to ensure our safety. Ninurta, prepare the ship for the journey. We will uncover the origin of this mysterious signal.

As the Captain's words echoed through the bridge, the decision was made, yet shadows of doubt and anxiety hung in the air, creating an atmosphere charged with suspense. The Eridu station was about to embark on an unknown journey, guided by the enigmatic signal echoing in the far reaches of space.


The Eridu space station hung silently in the far reaches of space, facing the asteroid known as Nibiru. The surface of the asteroid displayed a desolate landscape, dark rocks and irregular formations stretching as far as the eye could see. The dim light of stars illuminated the scene with an ethereal glow.

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