Chapter 5: Intergalactic Allies

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Onboard the Eridu space station, Captain Enki and his team were in direct communication with the CGC, the Central Galactic Command. Captain Enki prepared to report the recent events and the discovery of the Tak'taen.

— Central Galactic Command, this is Captain Enki of the Eridu station. We have crucial information to report.

A deep voice responded from the other end of the line:

— Captain Enki, we're listening. Please continue.

Enki quickly summarized the events from the signal detection to the discovery of the organic transmitter and the dangers posed by the Ancients. He emphasized the urgency of the situation and the need for immediate action.

— We require additional resources to deal with this threat, Central Command. The Ancients are not a legend; they are a reality we are facing.

There was an uncomfortable pause on the other end before the authoritative voice of the General spoke:

— Captain Enki, this is an extraordinary claim. We need substantial evidence before mobilizing additional resources.

Enki was not willing to back down.

— General, our shared dreams and the presence of Zhy'xil are evidence enough. The threat is imminent.

After a heated discussion and several exchanges of arguments, the General finally agreed:

— Very well, Captain Enki. We will authorize a reconnaissance mission. We will send a military squadron to accompany you and assess the situation up close.

Captain Enki expressed his relief.

— Thank you, General. Time is of the essence here. We eagerly await the arrival of the squadron.

With the authorization finally granted, the Eridu station team prepared for the upcoming mission. While they waited, Ninurta and Nammu exchanged a few words on the Eridu station before returning to their duties. Ninurta found himself alone in one of the cargo compartments of the station, focusing on his task as he manipulated equipment.

Suddenly, a strange sensation coursed through him, a chilling shiver that ran down his spine. A peculiar noise echoed in his head, like a distant and unsettling hum. Ninurta furrowed his brow, trying to understand what was happening.

Disturbed by the sensation, Ninurta set aside his task and began to follow the buzzing in his mind. He had the impression that it was coming from somewhere within the Eridu station. Each step he took seemed guided by an invisible force.

Finally, Ninurta arrived at the laboratory chamber where the Tak'taen had been stored. As he gazed upon the mysterious object, he became fascinated by its appearance. The Tak'taen was an organic sphere the size of a basketball, covered in intricate symbols that seemed to move on its surface.

He approached the Tak'taen, as if in a trance, his eyes fixed on the strange sphere. It was as if the very essence of the object was calling out to him.

At that moment, Nammu entered the chamber, letting out a muffled gasp as she saw Ninurta tampering with the Tak'taen. Her cry broke Ninurta's trance, and he blinked, confused.

— What are you doing here, Ninurta? — Nammu asked, with a shocked and concerned expression.

Ninurta shook his head, trying to regain his composure. — I don't know, Nammu. I... I felt something strange, like the Tak'taen was calling to me.

Nammu looked at the Tak'taen suspiciously, then carefully locked the compartment. — You should not tamper with it, Ninurta. It's dangerous. We can't risk it. Not with what's at stake.

Tension hung in the air as Nammu and Ninurta exchanged worried glances. The Tak'taen, with its mysterious symbols, held secrets they were only beginning to understand, and the danger of meddling with it was evident.


The headquarters of the CGC was situated on the planet Đại Phát, a world of intergalactic grandeur. A colossal structure stretched for kilometers, housing departments dedicated to monitoring and patrolling the vastness of the galaxy. The command center was the epicenter of operations, and General Cao Hùng, a seasoned starfarer with deep knowledge of intergalactic strategy, led the CGC.

General Cao Hùng had just concluded the communication with Captain Enki of the Eridu space station. He remained in the command center for a moment, lost in thought. Enki's report was disturbing, filled with details about the Ancients and the enigmatic Tak'taen.

Finally, Cao Hùng made a decision and reached out to a mysterious figure whose identity was known only to the highest echelons of the CGC.

— It's worse than we imagined, Master Lạc. The Ancients are involved, and the Tak'taen is real.

A voice whispered through the secure communication, laden with wisdom and mystery. — I feared this would happen, Cao Hùng. The Ancients are not easily halted. They are an ancestral force, older than the galaxy itself.

Cao Hùng sighed, his shoulders weighed down by the burden of knowledge. — Have you encountered the Ancients before, Master Lạc? Do you know how to stop them?

The mysterious figure responded cautiously. — Some knowledge must remain hidden, even from those who lead the CGC. What I can say is that the Ancients should not be underestimated, and the Tak'taen is a dangerous piece in this cosmic game.

The conversation between Cao Hùng and Master Lạc remained obscure, with many questions left unanswered. As the threat of the Ancients became more real, the general knew that the fate of the galaxy rested in the hands of a few, and the answers they sought were shrouded in shadows and deep secrets.

After the conversation with Master Lạc, General Cao Hùng terminated the contact, leaving it in the same silence as before. He remained alone in the command center, his mind restless as he reviewed the report sent by Captain Enki. It was a document filled with details about the Ancients and the discovery of the Tak'taen, and the general knew that this information would change everything.

General Cao Hùng had heard stories about the Ancients, legends that circulated among the CGC leaders. He knew that facing these ancestral entities was an extremely dangerous and complex task. The future now was more uncertain than ever.

He spent some time studying the profiles of his best soldiers, those he trusted for critical situations like this. Among the profiles, one in particular caught his attention. It was that of his eldest son, a talented and brave young man.

The young man's name was Lê Minh Hùng, and he had proven his worth in several previous missions. Cao Hùng knew that his son possessed the determination and intelligence required to face the challenges ahead.

However, uncertainty weighed heavily on General Cao Hùng as he made the decision to send his own son on the Eridu mission. He knew the journey would be fraught with unknown dangers, and the idea of risking his son's life was almost unbearable. But at the same time, he couldn't help but recognize the importance of the mission and the trust he had in Lê Minh Hùng.

With a heavy sigh, General Cao Hùng made the most difficult decision of his military career. He would send his son to Eridu, hoping that Lê Minh Hùng and the Eridu space station team would be able to confront the Ancients and protect the galaxy from an imminent threat.

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