Chapter 7: Under Suspicion

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Dumuzi stealthily moved through the corridors of the Eridu space station, keeping a keen eye on everything around him. Svetlana, the soldier who had caused friction with him earlier, was within his line of sight, and something about her seemed suspicious.

Careful not to attract Svetlana's attention, Dumuzi continued to follow her as she made her way to a quieter area of the station. There, he skillfully concealed himself, observing her from a safe distance.

Svetlana took a small holographic communicator from her pocket and, with a tense expression, initiated a communication. Dumuzi, hidden and curious, tried to catch the words she was saying, determined to find out what was happening.

The holographic communicator lit up, revealing the image of a strange alien being. It had an intriguing appearance: its body was tall and slender, covered in scaly, bluish-gray skin. Its black eyes gleamed with a cold intelligence, and long, flexible tentacles were arranged around its mouth, giving it a uniquely alien appearance.

Svetlana, urgently, called the alien by its name.

— Gakak, we need to talk. We have a problem — Svetlana said with urgency.

Gakak responded with a sibilant and echoing voice, typical of its species.

— What's going on, Svetlana?

Svetlana looked around, making sure no one else was nearby, and began to speak in a hushed voice.

— Once the Tak'taen is taken to the Nezuko Organization, we plan to launch an attack to steal it. The Ancients are willing to pay a high price for this technology, and they are pressuring us.

Gakak tilted its scaly head in contemplation.

— Are you sure this is the best approach? The Ancients are unpredictable and dangerous.

Svetlana took a deep breath, aware of the risks involved.

— We don't have a choice. The Nezuko Organization is our best point of access to the Tak'taen, and we can't miss this opportunity. We have to act quickly.

The conversation between Svetlana and Gakak continued as Dumuzi watched in hiding, perplexed by the unfolding plot before his eyes. Svetlana continued to outline the plan for Gakak, indicating the exact coordinates where the Tak'taen heist would take place.

— The region we've chosen is remote and lightly patrolled. We believe it'll be the perfect location for the attack. — Svetlana explained, keeping her voice low.

Gakak, with its alien appearance, considered the information for a moment before responding:

— It seems like a suitable choice. Security must be maintained at all costs.

Svetlana then continued:

— As for the fleet of stealth ships and the mercenaries we've hired, they are already on standby and ready for action.

Gakak nodded in approval.

— Excellent. We're ready to act as soon as you give the signal. Is the payment from the Ancients secured?

Svetlana nodded.

— Yes, the Ancients will fulfill their part as soon as we obtain the Tak'taen. Now, Gakak, please await our signal.

The communication between them ended, and Dumuzi, hidden, tried to process all the information he had heard. It was evident that something very dangerous was unfolding, and he needed to find a way to stop the plan from progressing.


Dumuzi walked through the station's corridors, his mind filled with worries and decisions to make. He knew he needed to act quickly to thwart Svetlana's plan to steal the Tak'taen. As he contemplated his options, he concluded that speaking to Captain Enki wouldn't be effective without concrete evidence. Instead, he decided to seek out Inanna, the only person he trusted enough to share his suspicions.

Dumuzi found her in the laboratory, deeply immersed in her studies of the Tak'taen. Upon seeing her, he wasted no time and announced:

— Inanna, I've discovered something significant.

Inanna, looking surprised, responded almost simultaneously:

— I have, too, Dumuzi. I've made new findings about the Tak'taen that could change everything.

Anxious, Dumuzi asked:

— Please, tell me first. What have you found?

Inanna explained, with enthusiasm:

— The symbols arranged on the surface of the Tak'taen... they aren't just decorations. They're a code, Dumuzi. A code that I managed to decipher. And what it says is intriguing. It appears to be a set of coordinates pointing to a location in a remote corner of the galaxy. — She paused and sighed, as if still digesting the newly discovered information, then continued — Dumuzi, these are the exact same coordinates indicated by Zhy'xil. I believe the Tak'taen also functions as a map to something, something the Ancients want.

Dumuzi was stunned by Inanna's discovery, realizing they were about to delve into a mystery larger than he had imagined. Inanna agreed with Dumuzi, and after confirming that the location indicated by the Tak'taen matched what Zhy'xil had provided, she heard Dumuzi ask:

— What else have you found, Inanna?

She hesitated for a moment before responding:

— Well, the coordinate is a point in the universe that seems rather outdated on current star maps. There are no recent records of that region. Something may be hidden there. The Ancients seem to want something very specific. — At this point, she looked at her interlocutor and asked — But anyway, what did you have to tell me?

Dumuzi was about to steer the conversation back to his discovery and tell her about Svetlana's betrayal, but the laboratory door opened abruptly. A group of soldiers entered, led by Svetlana.

She announced coldly:

— We're taking the Tak'taen to the transport ship. The Nezuko Institute is waiting.

Dumuzi was shocked by Svetlana's audacity, but before he could speak, the soldiers were already approaching the Tak'taen, ready to transport it. Dumuzi was about to protest Svetlana's and the soldiers' actions when Inanna stepped forward, asking:

— What's going on? Why do you need to take the Tak'taen now?

Svetlana responded with an air of superiority:

— The Nezuko Organization needs to start the studies immediately. We can't waste any more time.

Dumuzi, still fuming over Svetlana's betrayal, intervened:

— Does Captain Enki know about this transfer? We haven't received any official communication regarding the transfer so far!

One of the more nervous soldiers growled:

— That's not our problem! We have orders from higher up, and it's not for us to question them. The Tak'taen will be transported now!

Inanna looked at Dumuzi, concerned about the situation, and then at Svetlana:

— How will you ensure the security of the Tak'taen during transport?

Svetlana responded with a mysterious smile:

— You don't need to worry about that, Inanna. We're taking all necessary precautions. Now, please allow us to do our job.

As the soldiers prepared to transport the Tak'taen, Dumuzi and Inanna exchanged worried glances, aware that something strange was happening.

Dumuzi knew he needed to stop Svetlana, but he was surrounded by armed soldiers, and the situation wasn't in his favor. With a frustrated expression, he watched as the Tak'taen was carefully taken to the transport ship, ready to depart for the Nezuko Institute.

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