Chapter 2: Dark Dreams

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The small boarding compartment on the Eridu space station illuminated as the exploration craft docked with a gentle sound. Ninurta and Nammu, weary from their journey on the surface of Nibiru, disembarked from the craft, carrying with them the organic transmitter they had found. Their suits were dirty and marked, silent testimonies of their foray into the unknown.

The crew gathered in the main command room of the station as Ninurta and Nammu placed the mysterious object on a specially designated table. Each member of the crew approached, observing the gleaming structure with varied expressions of curiosity, concern, and intrigue.

Inanna leaned over the table, studying the pulsating patterns of the object.

— It seems alive in some way. Organic technology, perhaps a form of advanced communication.

Dumuzi furrowed his brow.

— That's impossible. How could technology be alive?

Ninurta shared his analysis.

— It's as if it's connected to some kind of neural network. When I held it, I felt a strange sense of connection to something greater.

Nammu nodded.

— I felt it too. It was like sharing ancient memories.

Captain Enki contemplated the object, his brows furrowing.

— It appears this transmitter is linked to some form of intelligence. Maybe a collective intelligence, a shared consciousness.

The conversation continued as the crew members speculated about the object. Theories were presented and debated, but each seemed more intriguing and less conclusive than the previous one. Tension mounted as the discussion unfolded, reaching no resolution.

— Is this an unprecedented scientific breakthrough, or a gateway to something darker? — Nammu questioned, her voice tinged with apprehension.

Dumuzi cast a wary look at the transmitter.

— It could be an instrument of manipulation, a tool to invade our minds.

Ninurta stroked his chin thoughtfully.

— Or perhaps it's a key to something greater. A way to connect us to past events, to understand what happened to the aliens who created it.

Inanna looked at each of them, uncertainty filling her eyes.

— Regardless of what it is, we must comprehend its purpose and impact before it's too late.

After hours of analysis and heated discussion, the crew found themselves at an impasse. They looked at the organic transmitter, a piece that didn't fit into any prior understanding of technology or reality. The heavy silence of the room hung, tension growing. Doubt about what to do next permeated the atmosphere, casting a dark shadow over the Eridu space station.


Ninurta entered the small compartment that served as his personal cabin on the Eridu space station. The soft glow of the lights enveloped him as he went through the nightly routine of preparing for bed. The warm shower relaxed his tense muscles, while the gentle sound of flowing water created an atmosphere of temporary calm.

As he brushed his teeth, images of the accident on the surface of Nibiru returned to his mind, haunting his thoughts. He relived the moment when Nammu had fallen, the sound of her cry echoing in his ears.

Finally lying down, Ninurta closed his eyes, but the darkness behind his eyelids seemed to bring forth something even darker. His dreams quickly manifested, and what unfolded in his mind went beyond what he could have imagined.

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