Chapter 6: Tensions and Strategies

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The six ships of the military squadron skillfully docked within the Eridu Space Station, an imposing sight that filled the station's outer landscape. With a soft hiss of pressurization, the ships' doors opened, and nineteen uniformed figures descended, forming an orderly row in the station's hangar.

Captain Enki led the Eridu crew to welcome Lieutenant Lê Minh Hùng and his subordinates. With a warm gesture, he extended a welcome to the lieutenant and his team.

— Lieutenant Lê Minh Hùng, it's a pleasure to have you aboard the Eridu. We look forward to working together on this mission.

However, before the conversation could continue in a friendly manner, one of the military personnel stood out, casting a disdainful look at the station's crew.

— I bet this bunch of space scientists has no idea what's going on. They think they can solve their own problems? — she said in a rough, sarcastic Russian accent.

Her name was Svetlana Ivanova, a strong and tough-looking woman. Her provocation didn't go unnoticed, and Dumuzi, always ready to defend the honor of his crew, couldn't help but respond.

— With all due respect, the Eridu crew is more than capable of handling any challenge that arises. And if you think otherwise, maybe you should show us how it's done.

Tensions mounted as glances clashed, and Captain Enki and Lieutenant Lê Minh Hùng tried to defuse the awkward situation.

— We are all here for the same reason, — the lieutenant said, his voice calm but firm. — We need to work together to face this threat. Let's keep our focus on the objective.

After the initial friction, Inanna and Nammu escorted the military soldiers to their respective accommodations, while Captain Enki and Lieutenant Lê Minh Hùng made their way to the command bridge to discuss the crucial details of the mission that lay ahead of them.

Walking through the station's corridors, Lê Minh Hùng turned to Captain Enki with a serious demeanor, a sense of responsibility for Svetlana's behavior showing on his face.

— Captain Enki, I'd like to apologize for Svetlana's behavior. She's... well, she's the type who doesn't take insults lightly.

Enki nodded with an understanding smile.

— I understand, Lieutenant. Tensions are running high given the circumstances. Don't worry; we're all here to face a much greater threat.

They reached the command bridge, and after taking their seats, Enki began to recount everything that had happened since the discovery of the Tak'taen. He detailed the strange nightmares, the visions in the dream dimension, and the unsettling connection between the organic transmitter and these events.

Lê Minh Hùng listened attentively and, after a moment of reflection, suggested:

— Captain Enki, perhaps it's a good idea to take the Tak'taen to the Nezuko Organization's scientific research department. They're the most respected in our galaxy when it comes to technology and mysterious phenomena. They might be able to help us better understand how the Tak'taen works.

Captain Enki readily agreed.

— An excellent idea, Lieutenant. I'll arrange for the transfer immediately.

Lê Minh Hùng then mentioned the Chief Director of the Nezuko Organization, a highly respected figure throughout the galaxy.

— The Chief Director, Kiyomi Sato, is one of the brightest and most competent minds I've ever encountered. I'm confident that with her assistance, we'll have a better chance of unraveling the mystery of the Tak'taen.

Lê Minh Hùng continued his speech, explaining his plan:

— While the Eridu crew works together with the Nezuko Organization to analyze the Tak'taen, my military squadron will undertake the mission to rendezvous with Zhy'xil at the coordinates he provided. I believe it's the best approach to deal with the Ancients.

Before Enki could respond, the conversation was abruptly interrupted by Ninurta. The scientist, who had been silent until then, seemed to have grasped the decision that was being made.

Ninurta became visibly disturbed; his eyes widened, and he began to act violently. He pounded the surface of one of the control tables, causing the equipment to tremble.

Captain Enki was puzzled and concerned by Ninurta's sudden change in behavior.

— Ninurta, you need to regain control! What's happening?

Ninurta shouted, as if in the midst of an internal struggle.

— They're here... inside me... I can't let them take over...

He spoke as if he were possessed, struggling against an invisible force that threatened to completely overtake him. Captain Enki and Lieutenant Lê Minh Hùng exchanged worried glances, realizing that something very sinister was happening to the Eridu crew scientist.

Ninurta, with wide eyes and a look of terror, began to scan his surroundings as if something dreadful were lurking. His breathing quickened, and he ordered in a terrified tone:

— Stay away from me!

However, to his confusion and horror, there was no one else on the command bridge except for Captain Enki and Lieutenant Lê Minh Hùng. Both of them watched with concern as Ninurta seemed to be seeing something they couldn't.

— Ninurta, what's happening? — Enki asked, concerned.

Lê Minh Hùng also tried to speak to the scientist, but Ninurta appeared oblivious to their words. Ninurta's hallucination intensified, and he began to scream and thrash about as if invisible beings were grabbing him and trying to drag him somewhere unknown.

Ninurta's crisis reached its peak, and then, suddenly, it ended. He fell unconscious to the command bridge floor, his breathing irregular and his face pale, as if he had faced a terrible nightmare beyond comprehension. Captain Enki and Lieutenant Lê Minh Hùng exchanged worried glances, not understanding what had just occurred.


Ninurta was carefully taken to the infirmary of the Eridu space station, where Nammu was on duty. The nurse examined the scientist and sighed in relief to see that he was still breathing, albeit unconscious.

With a brain monitor by the bedside, Nammu closely watched Ninurta's brain activity. The graphs indicated that everything was within normal parameters, yet he remained unresponsive.

While monitoring Ninurta's vital signs, Nammu lost herself in thoughts and recalled a memory from their student days when they were both young and full of hope. In one of those moments, during a starry night, they had shared a romantic interlude.

— Ninurta, have you ever thought about what the future holds for us? — Nammu asked, gazing at the twinkling stars above them.

Ninurta smiled, his gaze fixed on the night sky.

— I think the future is like space, Nammu, full of infinite possibilities. And no matter what happens, as long as we're together, I know we can face any challenge.

They had shared many special moments together, like that night under the stars, where they talked about their dreams and hopes. Other memories flooded back, such as hand-in-hand walks in a lush college garden and the shared laughter during their adventures.

It was a time when the world seemed full of promise and opportunity, and they were determined to explore it all together. The love they shared was like a driving force that pushed them to face challenges and seek knowledge.

But now, looking at Ninurta on the bed, unconscious and vulnerable, Nammu realized that even amidst the uncertainties and dangers of the current mission, her bond with him remained as strong as in the memories of their youth. She sighed, deeply wishing for him to wake up and return to her, as they had done so many times before.

With that feeling, Nammu turned her attention back to Ninurta on the bed. She watched him again when he let out a deep sigh, as if he were just sleeping. He seemed peaceful lying there. Perhaps he was dreaming of the happy memories the couple had shared. At least, that was Nammu's hope.

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