Chapter 4: Revelations of the Hidden Cosmos

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The alien being was an imposing figure, with a dignified posture that emanated respect and wisdom. Its skin appeared translucent, radiating a soft glow in the dim light that filled the environment. Eyes as deep as stellar abysses watched Dumuzi and Inanna, revealing an understanding that transcended the boundaries of space and time.

— Welcome, travelers from the Eridu station. — The alien's voice was like a distant echo, a melody that resonated at the core of their minds.

— Who are you? — Dumuzi questioned, his skepticism evident in his expression.

— I am known as Zhy'xil, a guardian of dimensions. — The alien introduced itself with a graceful nod of the head. In the face of their bewildered looks, it continued — I come to you seeking your assistance. The universe is in grave danger and may collapse if we don't act swiftly.

Inanna looked at Dumuzi, her curiosity overcoming her distrust. — We want to hear what you have to say.

Dumuzi cast a wary glance at Inanna but nodded, allowing her to take the lead.

— The malevolent beings you faced are known as the Ancients, ancient entities seeking to bring chaos and destruction — Zhy'xil began. — They aim to breach our universe through dimensional portals. The organic transmitter you found, named Tak'taen, is a powerful tool that can both open and seal these breaches between dimensions, but it can also be a devastating weapon in the wrong hands.

Amid Dumuzi and Inanna's stunned silence, the lofty alien continued, its voice resonating with deep wisdom.

— Tak'taen is connected to a universal psychic network, a cosmic mind that transcends the limits of space and time. Your shared nightmares are a symptom of this connection, a manifestation of the Ancients' intentions.

Inanna absorbed the guardian's words, their implications unfolding before her. — So, our role is to prevent the Ancients from entering our universe?

— Precisely, Inanna of the Eridu station. You have a crucial role to play in this cosmic battle. The connection you share in your dreams is a manifestation of the cosmic mind, a bond that has linked you to the fight against the Ancients. You must learn to harness this connection, to master the Tak'taen, and close the dimensional breaches before it's too late.

Zhy'xil's words hung in the air, heavy with gravity and urgency. Dumuzi, despite his initial doubts, began to realize the magnitude of the situation. A war beyond human understanding was unfolding, and they had been thrust into its center. The truth enveloped them, a truth that transcended the boundaries of known reality.

— You faced the creature with bravery — Zhy'xil said, its voice echoing with approval, referencing the recent battle against the false mother. — Now, to master the Tak'taen, you must attune your minds to the cosmic mind. Let the connection flow through you, allowing it to guide your steps and intentions.

Dumuzi and Inanna listened attentively, absorbing every word of the alien guardian. They exchanged a determined look, ready to face the challenge ahead.

— Additionally, know that if the situation worsens, you can find me at a specific coordinate in the distant universe — Zhy'xil continued. — It will be a safe meeting point for us, where I can provide further guidance and direct assistance.

Inanna nodded, understanding the importance of this information. — We will be vigilant, Zhy'xil.

— Now, close your eyes and allow me to guide you — Zhy'xil said. Its presence radiated transcendent power.

Dumuzi and Inanna obeyed, feeling a sense of calm and serenity as Zhy'xil began channeling its powers. A golden light enveloped them both, cocooning them in a reassuring aura. The guardian's instructions resonated in their minds, guiding them into the connection with the cosmic mind.

At the peak of the process, the sensation of being pulled by a vortex of energy filled Dumuzi and Inanna. Their vision dimmed as if they were falling into an abyss of light and shadows. The feeling of losing consciousness washed over them, but they knew they were being guided by Zhy'xil toward an unknown destination.

Their voices blended into a soft murmur before everything faded into an unsettling void. The universe warped around them, and the last thing they felt was a sensation of floating, as if they were being carried by cosmic currents toward a new and unfamiliar destiny.


Captain Enki stood by the stretchers where Dumuzi and Inanna rested in deep slumber. His eyes were fixed on the two crew members, concern etching his expression.

— What should we do now, Enki? — Ninurta questioned, his voice filled with uncertainty.

Nammu crossed her arms, looking down at the floor with a worried expression. — We can't continue in this state of suspense. We need to take action.

Enki sighed, his gaze still fixed on Dumuzi and Inanna. — They've been through a lot. But we need to be cautious. If what they say is true...

— What did they say? — Ninurta interrupted, his curiosity piqued.

— When they wake up, you'll hear directly from them. — Enki answered enigmatically.

Not long after, Dumuzi and Inanna began to stir, their eyes blinking as they regained consciousness. They exchanged confused looks before realizing where they were.

— Captain... what happened? — Inanna asked, her voice weak.

— You both passed out. — Enki replied, his tone calm.

They sat up, looking slightly disoriented.

— How are you feeling? — Enki asked, his voice full of concern.

Dumuzi rubbed his eyes and looked around. — It's like we're back.

— But we're not — Inanna added, her voice laden with conviction. — What we went through, what we saw, all of it is real, in one way or another.

Enki nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. — Tell us everything.

Dumuzi and Inanna began to speak, sharing details about the dreamlike dimension they had been in, the abhorrent creatures they faced, the figure of Zhy'xil, and the story of the Ancients.

— Zhy'xil instructed us on how to use the Tak'taen, the tool to seal the dimensional breaches — Dumuzi said. — He also told us that if things worsen, we can find him at a specific coordinate in the distant universe.

Nammu crossed her arms, thoughtful. — If that's the situation, then we have no choice but to move forward.

Ninurta nodded, his expression determined. — We need to stop the Ancients before they fully tear the veil between dimensions.

The team exchanged serious looks, sharing a silent understanding. It was time to dive headfirst into this mission, to confront the unknown threats and venture into the mysterious corners of the universe. The journey toward Zhy'xil's coordinates was about to begin.

Eridu: Dream ConnectionsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon